Celebrating International Women’s Day in Turkey

Celebrating International Women’s Day in Turkey

International Women’s Day in Turkey, called Uluslararası Kadınlar Günü, is a very significant holiday, as it seeks not only to promote women’s rights, but to unite women from various backgrounds. In this article, you’ll learn all about Women’s Day, Turkey’s women’s rights, and more facts about the holiday.

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1. What is International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day, celebrated in numerous countries around the world, is a special day set aside to honor women, show appreciation toward them, and most importantly, promote greater kadın hakları, or “women’s rights.” Women’s Day in Turkey has a particular focus on kızkardeşlik, or “sisterhood,” as women from a variety of backgrounds unite with a common goal.

Looking at the International Women’s Day history, it was first celebrated in the United States in 1909, the year that the Socialist Party of America set up an event in New York. The idea of a Women’s Day quickly spread to Europe, and many European countries celebrated their first International Women’s Day in 1911.

Since the early 2000s, women’s rights in Turkey have slowly made gains as a result of Turkey’s desire to become part of the EU. For example, in 2004, Turkey updated its laws to acknowledge the individuality of women as people, raised the legal age of marriage to eighteen, and determined that the man and woman in a marriage are equal. Later, in 2012, Turkey also signed the Istanbul Convention.

2. When is International Women’s Day?

A Group of Girls With Their Arms Around Each Other

Each year, International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8.

3. Women’s Day Celebrations in Turkey

A Woman Smelling a Bouquet of Flowers

In Turkey, International Women’s Day is marked by many protests and marches, organized solely by women. During these protests, Turkish women speak out against and hold signs condemning many of the troubles that women in the country face. Some examples of these troubles are “domestic violence” (aile içi şiddet), “harassment” (taciz), and a remaining lack of “equality” (eşitlik) between men and women.

As we mentioned earlier, on International Women’s Day, Turkey’s women come together from various backgrounds to fight for feminism and equal rights. This is especially important, considering the discrimination often held against certain groups of women, particularly those who are nonreligious. Not only do the protests take a stand for women’s özgürlük, or “freedom,” from gender inequality, but they also promote a sense of unity and togetherness among Turkey’s feminist community.

Unfortunately, some of these protests have recently been met with violence and other forms of opposition.

4. International Women’s Day Color

Do you know what the official International Women’s Day color is?

Purple (mor) is recognized as the official color for this holiday. Other common colors that people wear on this day are white, green, pink, and sometimes red.

5. Essential Turkish Vocab for Women’s Day

Gender Signs Representing Equality on Blackboard

Ready to review some of the vocabulary words from this article? Here’s a list of the most important Turkish vocabulary for International Women’s Day!

  • Mor — “Purple”
  • Uluslararası Kadınlar Günü — “International Women’s Day”
  • Kadın — “Woman”
  • Kadın hakları — “Women’s rights”
  • Eşitlik — “Equality”
  • Oy hakkı — “Suffrage”
  • Kızkardeşlik — “Sisterhood”
  • Toplumsal cinsiyet — “Gender”
  • Özgürlük — “Freedom”
  • Taciz — “Harassment”
  • Aile içi şiddet — “Domestic violence”
  • Yürüyüş — “Parade”

To hear the pronunciation of each word, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Turkish International Women’s Day vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about International Women’s Day in Turkey with us, and that you learned some valuable information today. Do you celebrate Women’s Day or a similar holiday in your country? Let us know in the comments!

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Dünya Kadınlar Günü kutlu olsun! (“Happy International Women’s Day!” in Turkish) from the TurkishClass101 family!

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