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How to Express That You’re Angry in Turkish


There are many ways to show our feelings, particularly through gestures, behavior, and language. Language is, of course, the most effective and explicit one.

Of all the feelings we experience, anger is probably the most intense. Because anger can increase our adrenaline level, our reactions can be extreme and our words harsh. We might even be led to use swear words.

In this article, we’ll talk about profanity in Turkish. Our focus will be on rude Turkish sayings, but definitely not on swear words in Turkish.

Profanity in Turkish is especially common among males in Turkey. You can hear a lot of Turkish swear words when men are watching a soccer game; it doesn’t matter if they’re watching it on TV at home, at a café, or live at the stadium.

At the Stadium

You can also catch many swear words in Turkish during heavy traffic!

Turkish men usually try not to swear when there are women around, but other rude Turkish sayings might still come out of their mouths when they’re angry.

We should mention a warning here: A Turkish man can fly into a rage if anyone makes a comment about or tries to flirt with a woman in his life, whether it be a girlfriend, wife, sister, or mother. If you don’t want to see an angry Turkish man, you should be mindful of this.

However, if you ever encounter an angry Turkish man, you need to make sure that you can understand what he’s saying. What’s more, if you get angry yourself, you should be able to express your negative emotions in Turkish.

Angry Man

Let’s start with how to say “angry” in Turkish and other relevant words and phrases:

  • Kızgın / Öfkeli – “Angry”
  • Kızgınlık / Öfke – “Anger”
  • Kızmak – “To be angry”
  • Kızdırmak – “To make angry”
  • Ben kızgınım. – “I’m angry.”
  • Ben öfkeliyim. – “I’m angry.”

These two sentences are interchangeable.

We’ll start talking about angry expressions now, so that you can become familiar with them. However, we hope you never have to use or hear them.

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Table of Contents

  1. Angry Expressions
  2. Angry Warnings
  3. Angry Blames
  4. Reveal Your Feelings
  5. How to Manage Your Anger
  6. Express Yourself Better with TurkishClass101

Men Arguing

1. Angry Expressions

1. Are you sick of someone who’s B.S.-ing and you want her/him to stop talking? This is what you can tell that person:

  • Kapa çeneni! – “Shut up!”

2. Can’t bear what someone is repetitively doing or saying? Then use the following phrase:

  • Kes şunu! – “Stop it!” / “Cut it out!”

3. If you feel like someone is on your back, you can tell her or him to keep out of your hair by using the sentence below:

  • Beni rahat bırak! – “Leave me alone!”

4. If you’re so angry with someone that you don’t want to see them, you can use one of these phrases with them:

  • Kaybol. – “Get lost.”
  • Defol! – “Go away!”
  • Defol git! – “Get the hell out!”
  • Gözüm görmesin seni! – “Get out of my sight!”

5. You can use the following phrase when someone tells you something that doesn’t make any sense, sounds crazy, or is difficult to understand or believe:

  • Sen benimle dalga mı geçiyorsun? – “Are you kidding me?”

6. Here are some stronger phrases to express anger, frustration, and annoyance:

  • Kahretsin! – “D*mn it!”
  • Allah kahretsin! – “God d*mn it!”
  • Allah seni kahretsin! – “God d*mn you!”

In some religions, the last two sentences might be very offensive, but this isn’t the case in Turkish (at least in terms of religion).

  • Ne halin varsa gör! – “Do whatever the heck you want!”

2. Angry Warnings


When you’re angry, you might not be thinking clearly. Therefore, you might choose to give in to that anger and start warning the other person impolitely. This might even turn into threats. Below are some examples of these warnings in Turkish:

1. If you think the person you’re talking with is speaking nonsense, you can warn him or her with the following phrases:

  • Saçmalama! – “Save that B.S.!”

2. If you want somebody to stop bothering you, here’s how you can let that person know:

  • Yeter! – “Enough!”
  • Benimle uğraşma! – “Don’t mess with me!”
  • Bana bulaşma! (in slang) – “Don’t mess with me!”

3. If someone is pushing your limits of tolerance, then you can warn that person about it:

  • Dayanılır gibi değil! – “It’s not tolerable!”
  • Dayanamıyorum! – “I can’t bear (it)!”

4. There are a few more angry warnings you should know:

  • Belanı mı arıyorsun? – “Are you asking for trouble?”
  • Seni son kez uyarıyorum! – “I’m warning you for the last time!”
  • Seni bir daha görmek istemiyorum! – “I don’t want to see you again!”
  • Ne olmuş yani? – “So what?”
  • Ağzından çıkanlara dikkat et! – “Watch your mouth!”

3. Angry Blames

Negative Verbs

When you’re angry, you might not be evaluating the whole situation with the right state of mind. In a situation like this, you might put all the blame on the other person. Here are some popular angry blames in Turkish:

1. If someone is getting into your personal business, you can both blame and warn that person using the following idioms:

  • Sana ne! – “It’s none of your business!”
  • Bu seni ilgilendirmez! – “It’s none of your business!”

These two sentences are interchangeable, but the first one is more impolite.

  • İşime burnunu sokma! – “Don’t poke your nose into my business!”

2. You can ask the following questions when someone tells you something stupid, something that sounds crazy, or something that’s hard to understand or believe:

  • Sen aklını mı kaçırdın? – “Are you out of your mind?”
  • Delirdin mi sen? – “Are you crazy?”

3. Below are some other angry Turkish phrases and questions you might hear:

  • Sen kim olduğunu sanıyorsun? – “Who do you think you are?”
  • Neyin var senin? – “What’s wrong with you?”
  • Beni dinlemiyorsun! – “You are not listening to me!”
  • Bütün bunlar senin hatan! – “It’s all your fault!”
  • Her şeyi berbat ettin! – “You messed it up!”
  • Ne halt ediyorsun? – “What the heck are you doing?”

4. Reveal Your Feelings

“Is it really possible to tell someone else what one feels?” Leo Tolstoy asked in his novel Anna Karenina.

Of course, it is. As a matter of fact, revealing your feelings is as natural as having them. Words are an effective way of expressing how you feel.

We’ll go over some phrases you can use to say “I am angry” in Turkish and to describe your other negative emotions:

  • Çok kızgınım! – “I‘m very angry!”
  • Çok sinirliyim! – “I’m very upset!”
  • Bundan bıktım, usandım! – “I’m fed up with it!”
  • Bundan nefret ediyorum! – “I hate it!”
  • Hiç bu kadar hayal kırıklığına uğramamıştım! – “I have never been so disappointed!”
  • Bu çok sinir bozucu! – “This is very frustrating!”

5. How to Manage Your Anger

Anger may cause problems if it’s not controlled. Unwanted words may come out of your mouth; you might even get physical with someone if you’re angry enough. Therefore, it’s critical to control your anger so that you don’t say or do anything you’ll regret.

Below are some techniques you might want to use to control your anger:

1. When we get angry, our breathing speeds up. In order to slow it down, we need to take deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling out the mouth.

  • Derin nefes alın. – “Take a deep breath.”

2. If you start counting to ten, your heart rate will slow down and your anger will diminish. Depending on how angry you are, you might even want to count up to 100.

  • 10’a kadar sayın. – “Count up to 10.”

3. Music usually relaxes people, so it might be a good idea to put in your earbuds and listen to music to help manage your anger.

  • Müzik dinleyin. – “Listen to music.”


4. It might be a good idea to jot down how you’re feeling instead of hurting someone else’s feelings with your words.

  • Duygularınızı yazın. – “Write down your feelings.”

5. If you can put yourself in the other person’s shoes, you can understand their perspective and your anger may subside.

  • Biraz empati kurmaya çalışın. – “Try to have some empathy.”

6. Walk away from the environment and give yourself time to think through what happened. This will help you calm down emotionally.

  • Ortamdan uzaklaşın. – “Walk away from the environment.”

7. Everybody has their own way of calming themselves down.

  • Kendi yönteminizi bulun. – “Find your own method.”


6. Express Yourself Better with TurkishClass101

Now that you have an idea about profanity in Turkish, know how to say “angry” in Turkish, and also learned some rude Turkish sayings, do you feel better about putting your anger into words? Would you like to express all of your other feelings in Turkish as well?

Please use the free resources at TurkishClass101.com, or even our Premium PLUS services, to take your Turkish to the next level. Keep in mind that we also have a dictionary on our site to facilitate your learning.

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