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Commonly Used Turkish Love Phrases


Love is one of the most profound feelings one can experience, and one of the best. They say that it even has its own language. We can certainly imply our love for someone through a glance or a gesture, but it’s best expressed with words. Because we cannot read each other’s minds, verbalizing our feelings and acknowledging those whom we value is essential for a solid relationship. In addition, it’s always best to use sincere words and phrases rather than fancy, exaggerated ones. 

If a Turk has caught your eye or stolen your heart, you might be wondering: 

How do I say “I love you,” in Turkish

After reading this article, you’ll be more than prepared to express your love in Turkish at every stage of your relationship. 

Let’s start with the Turkish word for love:

  • “Love” – Aşk / Sevgi

Now, let’s proceed with our guide to Turkish love phrases and other sweet, romantic words.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Turkish Table of Contents
  1. Showing your interest
  2. Are you in a relationship now?
  3. Your special moment and beyond…
  4. Turkish terms of endearment
  5. Popular love quotes in Turkish
  6. Discover more about the Turkish language with TurkishClass101

1. Showing your interest 

Let’s say you’ve just met someone you really like. You want to get to know them and maybe even have a date. How can you show the lucky guy or girl what you think about them? 

It’s difficult to find the right words to say to someone you don’t know, especially if you’re speaking in another language. To help you express yourself correctly and leave a good impression, we’ve compiled plenty of useful examples in Turkish for you below. Good luck!

A Man and Woman Shaking Each Other’s Hands at a Bar

First impression

A- Compliments

One of the best ways to show your interest during a first meeting is to offer him or her a compliment. Most people enjoy being complimented, as long as the words are sincere. Of course, you must also mind your tone and gestures!

Let’s start with the different ways you can say “compliment” in Turkish:

  • “Compliment” – İltifat / Övgü / Kompliman

Below are some Turkish compliments you can use to show admiration for the physical appearance of someone you like. Please note that the informal “you” is used in the sample sentences all throughout the article.

Çok güzelsin. You are very beautiful.
Çok yakışıklısın.  You are very handsome.
Çok güzel gözlerin var.You have beautiful eyes.
Gülüşün ne kadar güzel.  Your smile is beautiful.
Saçların çok güzel.  Your hair is very beautiful.

If you would like to learn even more compliments for different circumstances, you can refer to my article Learn the Top Turkish Compliments for Any Situation on 

B- Trying to get a date?

So, you’ve managed to get their attention and now it’s time to get a date. You need to use the right phrases to be successful at landing your first—or second, or third—meeting with this person. Here are some phrases you can use to ask him or her out:

Seni tekrar görmek isterim.I’d like to see you again.
Seni tekrar görebilir miyim?Can I see you again?
Hafta sonu ne yapıyorsun?What are you doing on the weekend?
Yarın akşam yemeğe çıkabilir miyiz?Can we go out to dinner tomorrow night?
Telefon numaranı alabilir miyim?Can I have your phone number?

A Napkin with the Words Call Me! Written on It, along with a Phone Number

Giving your phone number to him/her

2. Are you in a relationship now?

Once you’ve taken things a step further by making your relationship official, you can start using different Turkish love phrases to let your partner know your true feelings for him/her.

A- You like him/her!

As your relationship grows and you spend more time with the person, your feelings are likely to grow stronger. Here are a few different phrases you can use to express these deepening feelings to your partner: 

Seni çok beğeniyorum.I like you very much.
Seni özlüyorum.  I miss you.
Hep seni düşünüyorum.I’m always thinking about you.
Seni düşünmeden duramıyorum.I can’t stop thinking about you.

B- You have fallen in love!

There’s no hiding it: You’re in love and up in the clouds! 

You want to tell your beloved how you feel about him/her at every opportunity. Below are some sweet love expressions in Turkish you can use to share your feelings. 

Seni seviyorum!I love you!
Seni bütün kalbimle seviyorum.I love you with all my heart.
Sana aşık oldum.I’ve fallen in love with you.
Sana deli oluyorum.I’m crazy about you.
Sen benim hayatımın anlamısın.You are the meaning of my life.

Two hHands Forming a Heart Shape against the Setting Sun

I love you!

3. Your special moment and beyond…

Here comes that exciting moment and (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime event: proposing marriage! 

First, let me tell you what “marriage proposal” is in Turkish:

  • “Marriage proposal” – Evlenme teklifi / Evlilik teklifi

So, how can you propose in Turkish? What else can you say at this stage of your relationship, and afterwards? Below are a few different phrases you should consider. I wish you good luck and happiness!

Benimle evlenir misin?Will you marry me?
İyi günde kötü günde, hastalıkta sağlıkta benimle olur musun?Would you be with me in good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health?
Seninle yaşlanmak istiyorum.I want to age with you.
Hemen nişanlanalım.Let’s get engaged immediately.
Senden çocuklarım olsun istiyorum.I’d like to have kids with you.

A Man Proposing to a Woman

Marriage proposal

4. Turkish terms of endearment

Terms of endearment please us greatly, and we use these terms for not only our significant other but also our friends and family. Here are some frequently used Turkish love words to give you some inspiration:

AşkımMy love
SevgilimMy darling
HayatımMy life
CanımMy sweetheart
TatlımMy sweetie
BebeğimMy baby
BitanemMy only one
MeleğimMy angel
Ruh eşim / ikizimMy soulmate

A Married Couple with Three Children Celebrating a Holiday

Love is everywhere

5. Popular love quotes in Turkish

Over the centuries, a lot has been said about love. There are many books, poems, stories, articles, and myths on the topic…not to mention a good number of quotes. Some of these quotes are anonymous, some are put forward by famous people, and some are used so frequently that they’ve become proverbs. 

Let’s take a look at some of the most commonly used love quotes in Turkish.

A- Common quotes

Quotes are usually motivational and inspirational, especially the ones about love. I hope you enjoy reading through the following love quotes in Turkish, many of which you can hear in daily life:

Quote in TurkishTranslation in English
Gözler kalbin aynasıdır.The eyes are the windows of the soul.

Literally: Eyes are the mirror of the heart.
Aşkın gözü kördür.Love is blind.

Literally: Eyes of love are blind.
Aşk ateşten gömlektir.Love is a bed of nails.

Literally: Love is a shirt made of fire.
Aşk ağlatır, dert söyletir.Literally: Love makes you cry, trouble makes you talk.
Aşk yaşanır, anlatılmaz.Literally: Love is lived, not explained.
Sevgi paylaştıkça artar.Love increases when shared.

B- Quotes from Rumi

Whenever I use Turkish quotes in my articles, I make sure to include some Rumi quotes as well. This is because his quotes always have profound meanings, make us think, and help us gain a different point of view on some topics.

Rumi was a poet, theologian, scholar, and Sufi mystic; he is considered the symbol of peace and tolerance.

Here are some of his quotes on love. I hope you gain as much insight from them as I have!

Quote in TurkishTranslation in English
Aşk sayıya sığmaz, ölçüye gelmez sevgidir.Love is an endearment that doesn’t fit into numbers and measurements.
Aşığın hastalığı bütün hastalıklardan ayrıdır.The disease of the lover is different from all diseases.
Aşk sandığın kadar değil, yandığın kadardır.Love is not as much as you think, it’s as much as you are burnt.
Aşk, öyle engin bir denizdir ki, ne başlangıcı ne de sonu vardır. Love is such a vast sea that it has neither beginning nor end.
Bırаkаcаğın еli hiç tutmа, tutаcаğın еli isе hiç bırаkmа. Sаhtе sеvgililеrе gül olmаktаnsа, gеrçеk sеvgililеrе ԁikеn ol.Don’t ever hold the hand you will leave, don’t ever leave the hand you will hold. Instead of being a rose to fake lovers, be a thorn to real lovers.

6. Discover more about the Turkish language with TurkishClass101

In this article, you’ve learned… 

  • …how to say “I love you,” in Turkish.
  • …how to express love in Turkish using a variety of words and phrases.
  • …several beautiful quotes about love in Turkish to really spice things up. 

Which of these love phrases, endearment terms, or quotes is your favorite? Let us know in the comments! 

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