Are you approaching the intermediate level in Turkish? Great job! I hope you realize how remarkable your accomplishment is.
Of course, you still have a long way to go and more milestones to complete.
To make the transition from beginner to intermediate Turkish easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of about 300 intermediate Turkish words you should start memorizing at this stage. You’ll find words in a variety of categories, from large numbers to pronouns and adverbs.
Ready to expand your Turkish vocabulary and start having deeper conversations? Let’s go!

- Numbers from Teens to Millions
- Pronouns
- Nouns
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Prepositions
- Verbs
- Conjunction Words
- Level up to intermediate Turkish with TurkishClass101.com.
1. Numbers from Teens to Millions
In our beginner words article, you learned the numbers 0-10. Now you’re ready to learn larger numbers, starting with the teens. But first, I’d like to remind you that when a number precedes a noun in Turkish, the noun does not take the plural suffix (unlike in English).
- Sandalye (“Chair”)
- Bir sandalye (“One chair”)
- Dokuz sandalye (“Nine chairs”)
Number | Turkish |
11 | On bir |
12 | On iki |
13 | On üç |
14 | On dört |
15 | On beş |
16 | On altı |
17 | On yedi |
18 | On sekiz |
19 | On dokuz |
Number | Turkish |
10 | On |
20 | Yirmi |
30 | Otuz |
40 | Kırk |
50 | Elli |
60 | Altmış |
70 | Yetmiş |
80 | Seksen |
90 | Doksan |
In Turkish, the number 100 is yüz. To form the numbers from 200 to 900, all you have to do is place a number from 2-9 in front of this word:
Number | Turkish |
100 | Yüz |
200 | İki yüz |
300 | Üç yüz |
400 | Dört yüz |
500 | Beş yüz |
600 | Altı yüz |
700 | Yedi yüz |
800 | Sekiz yüz |
900 | Dokuz yüz |
The thousands follow a similar pattern. The Turkish word for 1,000 is bin; simply place a number 2-9 in front of this word to form your intended “thousands” number.
Number | Turkish |
1,000 | Bin |
2,000 | İki bin |
3,000 | Üç bin |
4,000 | Dört bin |
5,000 | Beş bin |
6,000 | Altı bin |
7,000 | Yedi bin |
8,000 | Sekiz bin |
9,000 | Dokuz bin |
Let’s Count Even Higher…
Here are some numbers with many zeros!
Number | Turkish |
10,000 | On bin |
100,000 | Yüz bin |
1,000,000 | Bir milyon |
1,000,000,000 | Bir trilyon |
2. Pronouns
At the beginner level, you learned…
- …the six personal pronouns in Turkish.
- …the possessive and interrogative pronouns.
- …that Turkish has no grammatical gender.
- …that Turkish has a polite “you,” which is the same as the plural “you.”
Now, it’s time for you to learn even more Turkish pronouns in different categories. Keep in mind that we also have an article all about Turkish pronouns on our website, so check it out if you need a refresher.
Indefinite Pronouns
Turkish | English |
Biri | Someone Somebody |
Bir şey | Something |
Bir yer | Somewhere |
Herkes | Everyone Everybody |
Her yer | Everywhere |
Her şey | Everything |
Hiç kimse | No one Nobody |
Hiçbir şey | Nothing |
Hiçbir yer | Nowhere |
- Biri senin nerede olduğunu sordu. (“Someone asked where you were.”)
- Bugün hiçbir şey yapmadım. (“I did nothing today.”)
Relative Pronouns
Turkish | English |
Hangi | Which |
Kim | Who |
Kimin | Whose |
- O arabanın kimin arabası olduğunu buldum. (“I figured out whose car that is.”)
- O kızın hangi oyunu sevdiğini biliyorum. (“I know which game that girl likes.”)
Accusative Pronouns
Turkish | English |
Beni | Me |
Seni | You |
Onu | Her Him |
Bizi | Us |
Sizi | You |
Onları | Them |
- Beni yalnız bırak. (“Leave me alone.”)
- Onları seviyorum. (“I love them.”)
Dative Pronouns
Turkish | English |
Bana | To me |
Sana | To you |
Ona | To her To him |
Bize | To us |
Size | To you |
Onlara | To them |
- O notlarını bana verdi. (“He/she gave his/her notes to me.”)
- O resimleri sana gönderdi mi? (“Did he/she send the pictures to you?”)
3. Nouns
I’m sure you already know many Turkish nouns by now! Are you ready to study more complex ones to bulk up your intermediate Turkish vocabulary?
Turkish | English |
İlkbahar | Spring |
Yaz | Summer |
Sonbahar | Fall |
Kış | Winter |
Asır Yüzyıl | Century |
Turkish | English |
Başkent | Capital |
Şehir merkezi | Downtown |
Liman | Harbor |
Ada | Island |
Plaj | Beach |
Hayvanat bahçesi | Zoo |
Müze | Museum |
Kütüphane | Library |
Banka | Bank |
Eczane | Pharmacy |
Karakol | Police station |
Postane | Post office |

Technology is everywhere, so let’s add more technology-related words to your vocabulary.
Turkish | English |
Televizyon | TV |
Ekran | Screen |
Klavye | Keyboard |
Kamera | Camera |
Mikrofon | Microphone |
Yazılım | Software |
Donanım | Hardware |
Sosyal medya | Social media |
Blog | Blog |
Sunucu | Server |
Ağ | Network |
Turkish | English |
Ev | House |
Apartman | Apartment building |
Daire | Flat |
Çatı | Roof |
Balkon | Balcony |
Bahçe | Garden |
Kat | Floor |
Oda | Room |
Yatak odası | Bedroom |
Yemek odası | Dining room |
Salon | Living room |
Mutfak | Kitchen |
Banyo | Bathroom |
Turkish | English |
Çatal | Fork |
Bıçak | Knife |
Kaşık | Spoon |
Tabak | Plate |
Servis kaşığı | Serving spoon |
Bardak | Glass |
Şarap bardağı Şarap kadehi | Wineglass |
Kase | Bowl |
Sürahi | Pitcher |
Kürdan | Toothpick |

Dear fashionistas, the list below is specifically for you.
Turkish | English |
Etek | Skirt |
Elbise | Dress |
Takım elbise | Suit |
Pantolon | Pants |
Kot pantolon | Jeans |
Şort | Shorts |
Bluz | Blouse |
Gömlek | Shirt |
Tişört | T-shirt |
Kazak | Sweater |
Yelek | Vest |
Ceket | Jacket |
Yağmurluk | Raincoat |
Palto | Coat |
Atkı | Scarf |
Eldiven | Gloves |
Mayo | Swimsuit |
Şapka | Hat |
Ayakkabı | Shoes |
Bot | Boots |
Terlik | Slipper |
Çanta | Purse |
Yaka | Collar |
Düğme | Button |
Cep | |
Uzun kollu | Long sleeve |
Kısa kollu | Short sleeve |
Bisiklet yaka | Crew-neck |
V yaka | V-neck |
Please note that the word pantolon (“pants”) is singular in Turkish, unlike in English.

4. Adjectives
Now that you have a better understanding of the Turkish language and a solid vocabulary base, you’re able to start making the most of adjectives and other descriptive words. Below are several intermediate Turkish adjectives to start practicing right away.
Turkish | English |
Özel | Special |
Değerli | Precious |
Komik | Funny |
Tehlikeli | Dangerous |
Masum | Innocent |
Suçlu | Guilty |
Esprili | Witty |
Gerçek | Real |
Doğru | Correct |
Yanlış | Wrong |
Güvenilir | Trustworthy |
Temiz | Clean |
Kirli/pis | Dirty |
Yoğun | Busy Intense Dense |
Gururlu | Proud |
Korkunç | Scary |
Sakin | Calm |
Ünlü | Famous |
Sinir bozucu | Annoying |
Taze | Fresh |
Bayat | Not fresh |
Acı | Bitter |
Tatlı | Sweet |
Tuzlu | Salty |
Ekşi | Sour |
Baharatlı | Spicy |
Sulu | Juicy Watery |
Derin | Deep |
Sığ | Shallow |
Dağınık | Untidy |
Yassı | Flat |
Kibirli | Arrogant |
Renkli | Colorful |
Karanlık | Dark |
Süslü | Fancy |
Vahşi | Wild |

5. Adverbs
Adverbs are words that provide more information about a verb, an adjective, or even another adverb. Using the right Turkish adverbs in your conversations or writing can add clarity and structure to your thoughts.
Turkish | English |
Özellikle | Especially |
Sonunda | At last Finally |
Zaten | Already |
Henüz | Already |
Hâlâ | Still |
Artık | No longer Anymore |
Şimdi | Now |
Sonra | Then |
Son zamanlarda | Lately |
Hemen hemen | Almost |
Zaman zaman | From time to time |
Hemen şimdi | Right now |
Şu anŞu anda | At the moment Currently |
Aynı zamanda | At the same time |
Mümkün olan en kısa zamanda | As soon as possible |
Yakında | Soon |
Uzun zamandır | For a long time |
Birazdan | In a little while |
Yakında | Soon |
Yaklaşık | Approximately |
Kesinlikle | Definitely |
Mutlaka | Absolutely |
Çoğunlukla | Mostly |
Yavaşça | Slowly |
Dikkatlice | Carefully |
Hızlıca | Quickly |
Güçlükle | Hardly |
Nazikçe | Kindly |
Kolayca | Easily |
Sessizce | Quietly |
Açıkça | Frankly Openly Clearly |
Kibarca | Politely |
Sakince | Calmly |
6. Prepositions
Turkish | English |
Önünde | In front of |
Arkasında | Behind |
Karşısında | Across |
Etrafında | Around |
Ötesinde | Beyond |
Tarafından | By |
İçin | For |
Yanında | Next to |
Yakınında | Near |
Altında | Under |
Üzerinde | On Over |
Yukarıda Yukarısında | Above |
Aşağıda Aşağısında | Below |
İçinde | In Inside of |
Arasında | Between |
Aracılığıyla | Via |
Önce | Before Ago |
Sonra | After |
7. Verbs
As a beginner, you learned basic action words and auxiliaries that helped you get your point across. Learning more advanced verbs is a great way to improve your Turkish, and it will enable you to speak on a greater variety of topics. Here are the essential intermediate Turkish verbs:
Turkish | English |
Yaşamak | To live |
Ölmek | To die |
Büyümek | To grow |
Yaşlanmak | To get old |
Hastalanmak | To get sick |
İyileşmek | To recover |
Yorulmak | To get tired |
Dinlenmek | To rest |
Ertelemek | To postpone |
Seyahat etmek | To travel |
Satmak | To sell |
Satın almak | To buy To purchase |
Ödemek | To pay |
Ödünç almak | To borrow |
Borç vermek | To lend |
Seçmek | To choose |
Gözlemlemek | To observe |
Tercih etmek | To prefer |
Kabul etmek | To accept |
Reddetmek | To refuse |
İptal etmek | To cancel |
Sormak | To ask |
Cevaplamak | To answer To reply |
Fark etmek | To realize |
Hazırlamak | To prepare |
Aramak | To look for |
Bulmak | To find |
Çözmek | To solve To untie |
Bağlamak | To tie To link |
Saklamak | To hide |
Gizlemek | To hide |
Teklif etmek | To propose To offer |
Sağlamak | To provide |
Elde etmek | To achieve |
Tavsiye etmek | To recommend |
Taşınmak | To move |
Hatırlatmak | To remind |
Şikâyet etmek | To complain |
Tehdit etmek | To threaten |
Tırmanmak | To climb |
Uçmak | To fly |
Kesmek | To cut |
Kırmak | To break |
Suçlamak | To blame |
İtmek | To push |
Çekmek | To pull |
Başarmak | To succeed |
Pes etmek | To give up |
Kazanmak | To win |
Kaybetmek | To lose |
Çalmak | To steal |
Girmek | To enter |
Çıkmak | To exit |
- Bu durumda, ölmek mi yaşamak mı daha iyi sence? (“Do you think in this situation it’s better to live or to die?”)
- Kazanmak kadar kaybetmek de doğal! (“Losing is as natural as winning!”)
8. Conjunction Words
Our final set of intermediate Turkish words consists of conjunctions. These little words can help you build more complex sentences and add structure to your thoughts.
Turkish | English |
İle | With |
Ama | But However |
Fakat | But However |
Ancak | However |
Bu nedenle | Therefore |
Böylece | So |
Dolayı | Because of Due to |
Bile | Even Even if |
Yani | In other words |
Halbuki | However |
Aslında | Actually In fact |
Ayrıca | Furthermore |
Ne…ne de | Neither…nor |
Ya…ya da | Either…or |
Aksi takdirde | Otherwise |
Yeterki | As long as |
- Ne balık severim ne de tavuk. (“I like neither fish nor chicken.”)
- Ne istersen yaparım yeterki beni affet. (“I’d do whatever you want as long as you forgive me.”)
9. Level up to intermediate Turkish with TurkishClass101.com.
Now you’ve learned quite a number of intermediate Turkish words in different categories. Did you know any of these words already, or were they all new to you?
- → Feeling confident in your Turkish abilities and ready to explore some new territory? We recommend heading over to our intermediate Turkish course.
Learning Turkish is simple with TurkishClass101. We provide our students with numerous audio lessons and recordings, tons of vocabulary lists, and a variety of free resources (including this Turkish dictionary) that you can refer to. You can also utilize our MyTeacher service, which allows you to study and practice 1-on-1 with a native Turkish teacher.
What’s more, you can download the app for free and use it wherever you are.
It’s our goal to help you learn Turkish in a fun and effective manner, all at your convenience. As such, we welcome any feedback or questions you may have.
Last but not least, happy Turkish learning!