Turkish learners who have completed the intermediate level, may I have your attention please? You have accomplished quite a bit by finishing this level—congratulations! But are you ready to step up and take your language skills to the next level? If so, then learning advanced Turkish expressions and phrases will be a great way to start adding flavor to your speech and writing. In this article, you’ll have the opportunity to learn over 40 advanced Turkish expressions and phrases, including idioms and proverbs.
This article will not only help you to communicate effectively with native speakers in your daily life but also help you to boost your level of communication at work or in other business relationships. Furthermore, it will be helpful in the academic arena if you are working in the academic industry or attending a school in Turkey.
Academic writing requires certain technicality and formality you need to adhere to even if you are writing in your own native language. Articulating your ideas powerfully is critical in writing essays, so make sure to use the following advanced Turkish words and phrases if you want your academic writing in Turkish to shine.
If you can capture the attention of the readers right at the very beginning, your article will not get lost in the shuffle.
Consider using the Turkish advanced expression and phrases below to get the attention your article deserves:
İlk olarak
İlk olarak tezimin amacını belirtmek isterim.
First of all
First of all, I would like to state the purpose of my thesis.
Genel olarak
Genel olarak bu kavram dünyanın birçok ülkesinde kabul görmüştür.
In general
In general, this concept has been accepted in many countries around the world.
Pay attention to your flow after the introduction and make sure to maintain the integrity. Make sure that your arguments, examples, comparisons, etc. are clearly expressed. The following advanced Turkish phrases will help you to stay on track.
Bence bu örnek savımın doğruluğunu kanıtlıyor.
In my opinion
In my opinion, this example proves the correctness of my argument.
Benim bakış açıma göre
Benim bakış açıma göre, bu veriler sonucu değiştirmez.
From my point of view
From my point of view, these data do not change the result.
Buna ilaveten
Buna ilaveten, yaptığım başka bir araştırmayı da paylaşmak istiyorum.
In addition to this
In addition to this, I would like to share another research study that I have done.
Diğer bir deyişle
Diğer bir deyişle, teori ile Pratik farklıdır.
In other words
In other words, theory and practice are different.
Tahmin edildiği üzere
Tahmin edildiği üzere, bu deney sadece 20-30 yaş aralığı üzerinde yapılmıştır.
As projected
As projected, this experiment was only performed on the 20–30 age range.
Wrapping up your ideas and arguments effectively will help the readers to understand your final statement easily. Therefore, use the following advanced Turkish phrases to make sure to get your ideas across.
Özetlemek gerekirse
Özetlemek gerekirse, yukarıda belirtilen tüm faktörler hipotezimin doğruluğunu desteklemektedir.
To sum up
To sum up, all the factors mentioned above support the correctness of my hypothesis.
Sonuç olarak
Sonuç olarak, genç nüfus listelenen tüm koşulları kabullenmektedir.
As a result
As a result, the young population accepts all the conditions that are listed.
2. Stand out with Your Resume and Cover Letter
You might be very talented, experienced, and a perfect fit for the job you are applying for. However, if you do not reflect all of these on your resume or if you don’t use the right keywords on your cover letter, guess what, someone else gets the job! This is not the case when you apply for a job in a foreign language; you can face the same problem even in your own native language.
Therefore, it might be a good idea to note the following advanced Turkish words and phrases you can use when writing your resume and a cover letter for a job you are interested in.
Hedef odaklı
5 yıllık tecrübeye sahip, hedef odaklı bir mühendisim.
I am a goal-driven engineer with 5 years of experience.
Sonuç odaklı
Sonuç odaklı bir yöneticiyim.
Result oriented
I am a result oriented manager.
Detaylara önem veren
Detaylara önem veren ama bütünü de görebilen biriyim.
Detail oriented
I am detail oriented but can also see the whole picture.
Hedeflere ulaşmak
Hedeflerime ulaşmak her zaman benim için öncelikli olmuştur.
To reach goals
Reaching my goals has always been a priority for me.
Yönetim tecrübesi
Yönetim tecrübem de var.
Management experience
I also have management experience.
En yüksek standartları karşılamak
Her zaman en yüksek standartları karşılamak için elimden gelenin en iyisini yaparım.
To meet the highest standards
I always do my best to meet the highest standards.
İletişim becerileri
İletişim becerilerimi geliştirmek için xxxx seminerine katıldım.
Communication skills
I attended the xxxx seminar to improve my communication skills.
3. Impress Your Colleagues at Business Meetings
Business meetings are different from social gatherings. You must look confident not only with your posture and attitude but also with your words; you must build up trust and sound like you know what you are talking about.
The following advanced Turkish words and phrases will help you to be more confident in business meetings held in Turkish and you will be able to impress your Turkish colleagues:
Bugünkü toplantının gündemi
Bugünkü toplantının gündemi, projenin bütçesinin revizyonu ile ilgilidir.
The agenda of today’s meeting
The agenda of today’s meeting concerns the revision of the project’s budget.
Son teslim tarihi
Projenin son teslim tarihinin 1 Eylül olduğunu hatırlatmak isterim.
I would like to remind you that the deadline of the project is September 1st.
Bir strateji belirlemek
Satışları arttırmak için bir strateji belirlemek gerekir.
To set/determine a strategy
It is necessary to determine a strategy to increase sales.
Yol haritası çıkarmak
Yol haritamızı çıkarmalıyız.
To make a roadmap
We have to make our roadmap.
Beyin fırtınası yapmak
İşe beyin fırtınası yaparak başlayalım.
To brainstorm
Let’s start by brainstorming.
Görev paylaşımı yapmak
Bugün görev paylaşımını tamamlamalıyız.
To share tasks
We must complete sharing tasks today.
Lansman yapmak
Ürünün lansmanını önümüzdeki ay mutlaka yapmalıyız.
To make a launch
We should definitely launch the product next month.
Bütçe ayırmak
Ek işler için de bütçe ayırmalıyız.
Allocate a budget
We should also allocate a budget for additional work.
Ekip/Takım çalışması
Bu projeyi ancak ekip çalışması ile bitirebiliriz.
We can only finish this project with teamwork.
Avantaj ve dezavantajları değerlendirmek
Karar vermeden önce avantaj ve dezavantajları değerlendirmeliyiz.
To evaluate/consider the advantages and disadvantages
Before making a decision, we should consider the advantages and disadvantages.
Just a reminder, there’s a concept called “Plaza language/Turkish.” International or multi-national corporations are usually located in high-rise office buildings, which are called Plaza in Turkish. The majority of the employees in these corporations speak English. In meetings and everyday business conversations, employees usually use the following English words as is:
“feedback, brainstorming, know-how, mobbing,” etc. Furthermore, you can hear phrases that are half Turkish and half English in these offices.
Example: Print almak – to print
Confirmetmek – to confirm
CC’lemek – to CC
Schedule etmek – to schedule
4. Get Ahead with Advanced Idioms, Sayings and Proverbs
Learning advanced Turkish conversation phrases orTurkish advanced words for tourists will definitely improve your communication. However, you also need to be prepared to hear a lot of idioms, sayings, and proverbs in Turkish. If you are not familiar with them, they will not mean anything to you. You will probably attempt to translate them word for word, but you will end up with strange phrases that don’t make any sense. Therefore, I recommend that you start learning the phrases mentioned here.
Happy Birthday Literally: Fortunately, you were born.
Happy Birthday, my friend.
Afiyet olsun
Afiyet olsun!
Enjoy your meal Literally: May it be healthy!
Enjoy your meal!
Geçmiş olsun
Geçmiş olsun, hasta olduğunu duydum.
Get well Literally: May it pass
Get well, I heard that you were sick.
Mutlu yıllar
Mutlu yıllar!
Happy New Year Literally: Happy years
Happy New Year
Allah analı babalı büyütsün
Çok güzel bir bebek, Allah analı babalı büyütsün.
This is used for newborn babies. Literally: May God let him/her grow up with both a mom and a dad.
Very beautiful baby, may God let him/her grow up with both a mom and a dad.
Nazar değmesin
Nazar değmesin, kızınız çok akıllı.
Literally: May you/something not be touched by the evil eye
May she not be touched by the evil eye, your daughter is very smart.
Çok yaşa
Çok yaşa!
It’s used when someone sneezes. Means bless you Literally: Live long
Bless you!
Başınız sağolsun
Başınız sağolsun, çok üzüldüm.
It’s used when someone dies. Means condolences Literally: May your head be live
Condolences, I’m so sorry.
Sıhhatler olsun
Sıhhatler olsun
It is used after a shower. Literally: May it bring health
May it bring health
Using and understanding proverbs correctly is a sign that you are anadvanced Turkish learner, but it’s also an indication that you have started getting to know core values and traditions of Turkey as well because proverbs give you insight about the culture of a country.
It means that, if you criticize someone for something, the same thing may happen to you and you may be criticized as well. Literally: Don’t laugh at your neighbor, it happens to you.
Damlaya damlaya göl olur.
Many small make a great. Literally: Drop by drop becomes a lake.
Eşeğe altın semer de vursan eşek yine eşektir
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. Literally: Even if you saddle a donkey with a golden saddle, the donkey is still a donkey.
Doğru söyleyeni dokuz köyden kovarlar
All truth is not always to be told. Literally: They expel the one who tells the truth from nine villages.
Zararın neresinden dönersen kardır
It is never too late to mend. Literally: Where you come back from the loss is profit.
Görünen köy kılavuz istemez
When something is obvious, it’s not necessary for someone to make an explanation about it. Literally: One does not need a guide when the village is in sight.
Set the Bar High with TurkishClass101
You have learned around 40 advanced Turkish wordsand phrases with the help of this article. Explore more Turkishadvancedexpression and phrases with TurkishClass101, which has numerous audiorecordings, tons of vocabulary lists, and free resources including the dictionary you can benefit from.
Don’t forget that there is also MyTeacher, which is the premium service of TurkishClass101 that you can use to practice with a private teacher.
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