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Archive for the 'Turkish Grammar' Category

Advanced Turkish Words Worth Learning

Have you completed the intermediate level in your Turkish studies? Would you like to continue improving your language skills in order to stand out and impress native speakers?  Then you’ve hit the bullseye! You’re at the right address.  In this article, we will introduce you to all of the essential advanced Turkish words you should know. This includes general vocabulary for everyday life, as well as words related to academia, business, the legal system, and medicine. At the end, we’ll also show you several words you can incorporate into your essays or writing tests to score higher.  Learning these advanced Turkish vocabulary words will require more diligence and effort, but if you stay focused on the target, you’ll reap the fruits... Show more

Negation in the Turkish Language – HAYIR!

In life, there are times when we just need to say "no." Whether we’re refusing something offered to us, rejecting an action or idea, or letting someone know we weren’t responsible for something, this little word and its friend "not" come in handy on a daily basis.  However, whatever the intentions behind your negative sentences, the way you say them makes a huge difference! Today, you’ll learn about negation in the Turkish language. This article will cover everything you need to know, from how to form basic negative sentences to how double negation works.  Let’s dive in! Table of Contents Negation in Sentences Negation in Interrogative Sentences Double Negation Access Full Turkish Grammar Content on... Show more

How to Use Tenses in the Turkish Language

Verbs are one of the most important elements of a sentence. But unfortunately, their infinitive forms don’t make much sense when used in a sentence; verbs must be conjugated to indicate the time of the action, as well as whether the action has been completed or is still happening.  We make these distinctions by using tenses. Tenses in the Turkish language carry certain conjugation rules with them—and when conjugation enters the scene, things get interesting! This is because it brings with it pronouns and vowel harmony. Don’t worry, though. You just need to study the rules and practice, practice, practice! Before we look at each tense in detail, let’s go over the basics of conjugation. Table of Contents Conjugation... Show more

How Fast Can You Learn Turkish?

Learning a new language is a process that requires time and effort; it can’t be completed overnight.  As an aspiring Turkish learner, you’re likely wondering at this point: Okay, so how long does it take to learn Turkish?  I can understand why you want to know the length of your learning journey in advance. This information can help you decide whether to take the plunge or not, make plans, and get prepared for your upcoming studies.  But you know what? There’s no formula where you can plug in a few variables and calculate the time right away! It’s not that simple.  However, there are a few factors that can be taken into consideration. Table of Contents Factors That Affect Your Language Learning Progress Proficiency... Show more

The Top 30 Inspirational and Motivational Turkish Proverbs

I believe proverbs are an important part of any culture. Though we don’t know under what circumstances or by whom they were put forward, they have been passed down from one generation of people to another. They serve to teach us life lessons while showing us different points of view.  As a learner of the Turkish language, you’ll greatly benefit from studying Turkish proverbs and sayings. Doing so will expand your vocabulary, help you better understand the inner workings of the language, and provide you with insight into the core values and traditions of Turkish culture.  In this article, you’ll learn thirty inspirational and motivational Turkish proverbs with their English translations. We’ve categorized them by topic, so feel free... Show more

A Quick Turkish Grammar Guide

Let me look into my magic crystal ball and tell you what I see… You’re interested in learning Turkish or have just started working on it. You’re curious to know what Turkish grammar looks like and whether it’s similar to English grammar. And actually, you’re dying to learn what kind of an adventure you’re getting yourself into. Of course, I’m not a fortune teller. But if I guessed correctly, you’re at the right address. This page serves as an overview of Turkish, an essential grammar guide, and a quick reference for those who want to brush up on specific grammar topics. Our quick guide will show you the similarities and dissimilarities between Turkish and English as well as the basic structure of Turkish grammar, from vowel harmony... Show more

Is Turkish Hard to Learn?

Any time we set out to learn something new—whether it be cooking, sewing, ballet, or biology—it intimidates us. Not knowing what we’ll face makes us worry. Furthermore, we question our ability to learn that specific thing because we’ve never done it before. These same concerns pop up when someone starts learning another language.  But is Turkish hard to learn? Or is it easier than you think?  The answer is simple: It might be different from the languages you know and speak, but it’s not difficult. Yes, it will take some time and effort to learn Turkish, but as we all know, nobody becomes an expert right away.  In this article, we’ll show you the easy parts of Turkish and help you understand the more challenging parts. This... Show more

Common Mistakes in Learning Turkish

Making mistakes while learning a language is inevitable. Every language has its own unique linguistic features such as phonology, grammar, and vocabulary to take into account. In addition, the habit of comparing the new language to one’s mother tongue can impact one’s use of the new language and lead to mistakes. In this article, we’ll talk about the most common Turkish mistakes that learners make when speaking, writing, and listening! We’ll cover a range of common Turkish grammar mistakes and mistakes in pronunciation and spelling, so that you can better avoid them. Let’s get started. Table of Contents Pronunciation Mistakes Word Order Mistakes Grammar Mistakes Other Common Mistakes How to Avoid Making... Show more

Using Turkish Questions and Answers is a Piece of Cake Now!

Questions are everywhere! We ask questions when shopping, when having a conversation with a friend, when we interview someone, and when we’re at school, work, or a restaurant. Questions become even more critical when you’re in a foreign country. While in Turkey, you might need to ask for the time, or where a certain place is, like a hospital or restroom. You might also find yourself in a position where you need to ask permission to do something. Knowing how to ask basic questions in the Turkish language, and understanding the Turkish question patterns, is essential if you want your needs fulfilled faster. You should also be able to answer simple questions easily and express yourself in a clear manner. In this article, you’ll... Show more

Practicality vs. Theory – Useful Turkish Sentence Patterns

Grammar is definitely a must when you want to learn a language properly. However, it takes some time to have good command of this crucial factor. Unfortunately, life doesn’t wait for anyone. You might be in a foreign country now, and need to ask for directions or the time—you might even need to know where the closest hospital is.  Theory doesn’t help much when you need to communicate effectively. This is where practicality kicks in. And by "practicality," I mean certain patterns you can use in daily conversations. In this article, we’ll show you ten different Turkish sentence patterns. We’ll start with an easy Turkish sentence pattern and move on to more complex ones. Most of the sentences that you’ll hear, write, or speak will... Show more