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Best Guide on Asking for Directions in Turkish – Review

Nowadays, nearly everyone has a GPS or some sort of navigation app. But it’s still important to know how to ask for directions in Turkish because locals can give you valuable information about shortcuts that could save you time. Plus, it's a good excuse for small talk and practicing speaking in the target language. Not to mention the fact that you can't always rely on having a good internet connection or GPS signal! You may end up relying on your directions in Turkish vocabulary more often than you think...and directions in Turkish lessons like this one are a great place to start. Table of Contents Basic Question Form: "….. Nerede?" Cardinal Directions in Turkish Major City Directions in Turkish Getting Places - How to Ask... Show more

Learn the Top Turkish Compliments for Any Situation

Compliments! Tell me who doesn’t like compliments. I believe that even those who say they don’t like compliments enjoy them deep inside. Complimenting is a very human thing, and it can be done anywhere, anytime. However, you need to be very careful about it if you’re not a native speaker and you’re complimenting someone whose culture you’re not familiar with. You wouldn’t want to be embarrassed or hit with a purse, would you? In this article, we’ll talk about how to compliment in Turkish, as well as when you should avoid complimenting. With the Turkish compliments in this article, you can bring a smile to anyone’s face! Let’s start with the basics: "Compliment"                                         - İltifat; kompliman; övgü ... Show more

How to Express That You’re Angry in Turkish

There are many ways to show our feelings, particularly through gestures, behavior, and language. Language is, of course, the most effective and explicit one. Of all the feelings we experience, anger is probably the most intense. Because anger can increase our adrenaline level, our reactions can be extreme and our words harsh. We might even be led to use swear words. In this article, we’ll talk about profanity in Turkish. Our focus will be on rude Turkish sayings, but definitely not on swear words in Turkish. Profanity in Turkish is especially common among males in Turkey. You can hear a lot of Turkish swear words when men are watching a soccer game; it doesn’t matter if they’re watching it on TV at home, at a café, or live at the... Show more

Essential Vocabulary for Life Events in Turkish

What is the most defining moment you will face this year? From memories that you immortalize in a million photographs, to days you never wish to remember, one thing's for certain: big life events change you. The great poet, Bukowski, said, "We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well, that death will tremble to take us." The older I get, the more I agree with him! Talking about significant events in our lives is part of every person's journey, regardless of creed or culture. If you're planning to stay in for more than a quick visit, you're sure to need at least a few 'life events' phrases that you can use. After all, many of these are shared experiences, and it's generally expected that we will show up with good manners... Show more

Talk About the Weather in Turkish Like a Native

Did you know that every minute of the day, one billion tons of rain falls on the earth? Hard to believe, considering the climate crisis! Of course, all that rain is not equally shared across the planet. So, would you mention this fascinating fact to your new acquaintance? Well, small talk about local weather is actually a great conversation-starter. Everyone cares about the weather and you’re sure to hear a few interesting opinions! Seasons can be quite unpredictable these days and nobody knows the peculiarities of a region better than the locals. TurkishClass101 will equip you with all the weather vocabulary you need to plan your next adventure. The weather can even be an important discussion that influences your adventure plans.... Show more

How to Say and Write Dates in Turkish

We all know that dates are used for timekeeping. The purpose of dates seems to be very simple, right? Yes, it may seem so, but dates are much more important for us. Have you ever thought if dates hadn’t existed; How we would know and celebrate special days and holidays;How we would set appointments;How we would follow up on our deadlines and schedules;How we would make travel arrangementsHow we would determine academic calendars? As such, you need to learn about date and time in Turkish if you are interested in learning Turkish for some reason. Considering all the facts above, dates are not required only in our native languages, but also in foreign languages we are exposed to. Therefore, this article will help you with... Show more

Turkish Language Family Guide

When learning Turkish, “family” is one of the topics you need to be able to talk about because in all areas of life, you will be frequently hearing about family. “I was late because I had to take my daughter to school this morning.” “I am unhappy because my in-laws will be staying with us all summer long.” “My brother is the problem child.” “The relatives of the old woman are waiting for her to die to get the inheritance.” “My cousin is an idiot.” Do any of these sentences sound familiar in terms of context? Most probably yes! These are some sentences you may hear from a colleague, a friend, a family member etc. in your daily life. You will not only hear about family, but you will also have to talk about it and need family vocabulary... Show more

Life Saving Turkish Phrases for Travelers

I always find traveling magical regardless of its purpose. Especially if I am going overseas. Will you also be going out of your country? Will you be traveling to Turkey? How exciting! You will end up in a new place in a few hours or the next day. You will see a place, which you haven’t seen before; which has a different lifestyle and traditions, which is full of people speaking another language. Ooops, when it comes to the language issue, you might feel uneasy.  No worries. We will go over basic Turkish travel phrases in this article, so you can just concentrate on the experiences you will have and new things you will add to your own world.  Who knows; maybe you will have new connections. I wish you a nice trip where you will have new,... Show more

Let’s Learn Turkish Numbers

Can you imagine carrying out a conversation in a foreign language without knowing the numbers in that language? I seriously can’t! We deal with numbers in every aspect of our lives. They are not only used in counting, but also when telling the date and the time, dimensions, weight, temperature, distances, prices, your age, phone number, address, and even blood pressure. In short, since they have a wide range of usage from math to history, geography to science, medicine to seismology, it’s impossible to have proper conversations without knowing numbers! Are you ready to learnTurkish numbers and their usage? Table of Contents Basic vocabulary related to numbers How to count from 0 to 9? How to count from 10 to 100 Numbers up... Show more

How To Post In Perfect Turkish on Social Media

You're learning to speak Turkish, and it's going well. Your confidence is growing! So much so that you feel ready to share your experiences on social media—in Turkish. At Learn Turkish, we make this easy for you to get it right the first time. Post like a boss with these phrases and guidelines, and get to practice your Turkish in the process. 1. Talking about Your Restaurant Visit in Turkish Eating out is fun, and often an experience you'd like to share. Take a pic, and start a conversation on social media in Turkish. Your friend will be amazed by your language skills...and perhaps your taste in restaurants! Barış eats at a restaurant with his friends, posts an image of the group, and leaves this comment: POST Let's break down... Show more