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Common Mistakes in Learning Turkish

Making mistakes while learning a language is inevitable. Every language has its own unique linguistic features such as phonology, grammar, and vocabulary to take into account. In addition, the habit of comparing the new language to one’s mother tongue can impact one’s use of the new language and lead to mistakes. In this article, we’ll talk about the most common Turkish mistakes that learners make when speaking, writing, and listening! We’ll cover a range of common Turkish grammar mistakes and mistakes in pronunciation and spelling, so that you can better avoid them. Let’s get started. Table of Contents Pronunciation Mistakes Word Order Mistakes Grammar Mistakes Other Common Mistakes How to Avoid Making... Show more

Using Turkish Questions and Answers is a Piece of Cake Now!

Questions are everywhere! We ask questions when shopping, when having a conversation with a friend, when we interview someone, and when we’re at school, work, or a restaurant. Questions become even more critical when you’re in a foreign country. While in Turkey, you might need to ask for the time, or where a certain place is, like a hospital or restroom. You might also find yourself in a position where you need to ask permission to do something. Knowing how to ask basic questions in the Turkish language, and understanding the Turkish question patterns, is essential if you want your needs fulfilled faster. You should also be able to answer simple questions easily and express yourself in a clear manner. In this article, you’ll... Show more

Practicality vs. Theory – Useful Turkish Sentence Patterns

Grammar is definitely a must when you want to learn a language properly. However, it takes some time to have good command of this crucial factor. Unfortunately, life doesn’t wait for anyone. You might be in a foreign country now, and need to ask for directions or the time—you might even need to know where the closest hospital is.  Theory doesn’t help much when you need to communicate effectively. This is where practicality kicks in. And by "practicality," I mean certain patterns you can use in daily conversations. In this article, we’ll show you ten different Turkish sentence patterns. We’ll start with an easy Turkish sentence pattern and move on to more complex ones. Most of the sentences that you’ll hear, write, or speak will... Show more

Turkish Conjugation Rules That Will Make Your Life Easier

Before we begin, why should you learn Turkish conjugation?  Well, conjugation is what allows you to effectively convey thoughts and ideas in a way that makes sense to others. By learning the proper conjugation of Turkish verbs early on in your studies, you’re giving yourself a head start to reaching fluency. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of conjugation in Turkish, starting with how conjugation works in general. Let’s get started. Table of Contents General Info on Conjugation Conjugation in Turkish Verb Modification Ready for a Challenge? Conclusion 1. General Info on Conjugation Conjugation is how you change or modify a verb’s basic form to convey a different meaning, or to express the... Show more

Boost Your Learning Experience with Common Turkish Verbs

Action, occurrence, process, condition, and state of being—don’t these words remind us of flow or the dynamism of life? Of course they do, but beyond that, when one of these concepts is conveyed in a word or a group of words, they’re known as verbs. Verbs are an important aspect in the structure of a sentence. In our previous articles, we talked about "100 Nouns" and "Pronouns" in Turkish. Now, it’s time to learn about the missing part, Turkish verbs, to be able to make full sentences. A verb’s placement in a sentence may vary depending on the language. All Turkish verbs are placed at the end of the sentence. The object follows the subject in a sentence, and then comes the verb. Good news! There’s no grammatical gender in... Show more

Complete Guide to Turkish Pronouns

Pronouns, in general, help to prevent repeating nouns, which can be annoying. During conversations or while writing, one should avoid doing this for the sake of clarity. Redundancy only causes confusion. Pronouns in Turkish language-learning are essential, because having a good command of Turkish pronouns will help you be a better, more efficient speaker and writer of the language. Pronunciation is also key; check out this Turkish pronouns list to hear the correct pronunciation of each word and expand upon your pronouns in Turkish vocabulary.  Make sure you’re pronouncing the whole word, because every letter counts. Turkish is a very efficient language and relies heavily on short suffixes (sometimes made up of just one letter) to... Show more

A Journey into the Turkish Word Order

Have you ever played with Legos or blocks? You may find this question odd, so let me explain.  I think that words resemble individual Legos or blocks. If you put them together randomly, you’re not going to build a meaningful structure. The same is true for words.  Depending on the characteristics of a language, words have to be in a certain order to form meaningful sentences. You can’t just put one after the other with a hit-or-miss approach. This makes Turkish word order and sentence structure a can’t-miss aspect of learning the language. Would you like to learn about word order in Turkish grammar and basic sentence structure in Turkish? Then I recommend that you read through this article carefully and take notes on the most... Show more

Ultimate Guide to Talking about Time in Turkish

Time is a significant part of our lives. Whether you’re a tourist, a non-native student, a businessman/businesswoman, or a resident in Turkey, you’ll need to talk about time in Turkish at some point. This is inevitable because our entire life revolves around time. Table of Contents Time Format Used in Turkey How to Ask the Time in Turkish Time Past the Hour Time Half Past the Hour Time to the Hour More Time-Related Words Time Proverbs and Sayings about Time in Turkish Conclusion: How TurkishClass101 Can Help You Master Turkish 1. Time Format Used in Turkey You need to learn about the time format used in Turkey before learning how to say "What time is it?" in Turkish, don’t you?  ... Show more

Best Guide on Asking for Directions in Turkish – Review

Nowadays, nearly everyone has a GPS or some sort of navigation app. But it’s still important to know how to ask for directions in Turkish because locals can give you valuable information about shortcuts that could save you time. Plus, it's a good excuse for small talk and practicing speaking in the target language. Not to mention the fact that you can't always rely on having a good internet connection or GPS signal! You may end up relying on your directions in Turkish vocabulary more often than you think...and directions in Turkish lessons like this one are a great place to start. Table of Contents Basic Question Form: "….. Nerede?" Cardinal Directions in Turkish Major City Directions in Turkish Getting Places - How to Ask... Show more

Learn the Top Turkish Compliments for Any Situation

Compliments! Tell me who doesn’t like compliments. I believe that even those who say they don’t like compliments enjoy them deep inside. Complimenting is a very human thing, and it can be done anywhere, anytime. However, you need to be very careful about it if you’re not a native speaker and you’re complimenting someone whose culture you’re not familiar with. You wouldn’t want to be embarrassed or hit with a purse, would you? In this article, we’ll talk about how to compliment in Turkish, as well as when you should avoid complimenting. With the Turkish compliments in this article, you can bring a smile to anyone’s face! Let’s start with the basics: "Compliment"                                         - İltifat; kompliman; övgü ... Show more