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Archive for the 'Turkish Culture' Category

Essential Vocabulary for Life Events in Turkish

What is the most defining moment you will face this year? From memories that you immortalize in a million photographs, to days you never wish to remember, one thing's for certain: big life events change you. The great poet, Bukowski, said, "We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well, that death will tremble to take us." The older I get, the more I agree with him! Talking about significant events in our lives is part of every person's journey, regardless of creed or culture. If you're planning to stay in for more than a quick visit, you're sure to need at least a few 'life events' phrases that you can use. After all, many of these are shared experiences, and it's generally expected that we will show up with good manners... Show more

How to Say and Write Dates in Turkish

We all know that dates are used for timekeeping. The purpose of dates seems to be very simple, right? Yes, it may seem so, but dates are much more important for us. Have you ever thought if dates hadn’t existed; How we would know and celebrate special days and holidays;How we would set appointments;How we would follow up on our deadlines and schedules;How we would make travel arrangementsHow we would determine academic calendars? As such, you need to learn about date and time in Turkish if you are interested in learning Turkish for some reason. Considering all the facts above, dates are not required only in our native languages, but also in foreign languages we are exposed to. Therefore, this article will help you with... Show more

Turkish Language Family Guide

When learning Turkish, “family” is one of the topics you need to be able to talk about because in all areas of life, you will be frequently hearing about family. “I was late because I had to take my daughter to school this morning.” “I am unhappy because my in-laws will be staying with us all summer long.” “My brother is the problem child.” “The relatives of the old woman are waiting for her to die to get the inheritance.” “My cousin is an idiot.” Do any of these sentences sound familiar in terms of context? Most probably yes! These are some sentences you may hear from a colleague, a friend, a family member etc. in your daily life. You will not only hear about family, but you will also have to talk about it and need family vocabulary... Show more

Holidays in Turkey: Atatürk Remembrance Day

Every year, the Turkish people commemorate one of the greatest leaders the country has known: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. In this article, you’ll learn about how Turkey honors Ataturk’s memory, and explore some of Ataturk’s contributions to Turkey—and the world. In short, you’ll gain a clear picture of what the Turkish people remember Ataturk for, and why it’s significant. As any successful language-learner can tell you, understanding a country’s culture is a step you can’t miss! At TurkishClass101.com, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! Let’s get started, and delve into this Turkish national holiday. 1. What is Atatürk Remembrance Day? Mustafa Kemal Atatürk passed away of... Show more

How To Post In Perfect Turkish on Social Media

You're learning to speak Turkish, and it's going well. Your confidence is growing! So much so that you feel ready to share your experiences on social media—in Turkish. At Learn Turkish, we make this easy for you to get it right the first time. Post like a boss with these phrases and guidelines, and get to practice your Turkish in the process. 1. Talking about Your Restaurant Visit in Turkish Eating out is fun, and often an experience you'd like to share. Take a pic, and start a conversation on social media in Turkish. Your friend will be amazed by your language skills...and perhaps your taste in restaurants! Barış eats at a restaurant with his friends, posts an image of the group, and leaves this comment: POST Let's break down... Show more

A New Language: Turkish Slang for Texting and the Web

Have you ever heard of "Turkish bird language?" If you have, please note that I’m not talking about Turkish whistling language, which farmers use. When I was a kid, my friends and I used to talk in a bird language, putting "ge, ga, gi, gu, gö, gü" after each syllable. It wouldn’t have sounded like Turkish to a foreigner learning the language. Nowadays, Turkish slang for the internet is very popular. And guess what? When you read these words and expressions, you might think they don’t sound like Turkish either. They remind me of the good old days! You need to know about these slang words and abbreviations to figure out this new language! Let’s start with regular Turkish slang words and then continue with internet and text slang. ... Show more

After Ramadan: The Turkish Feast of Sacrifice

Once a year, about seventy days after Ramadan ends, Muslims in Turkey observe the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice. The main event of this holiday is the sacrifice of an animal, which is then distributed, cooked, and eaten. In this article, we’ll go over more details about the Islamic Feast of Sacrifice and introduce you to the Sacrifice Feast meaning. Learning about the Sacrifice Feast in Turkey will show you much about Turkish culture as a whole, as well as the religion practiced by Muslims living here. At TurkishClass101.com, we hope to make this learning journey both fun and informative! 1. What is the Sacrifice Feast? The Sacrifice Feast Feast is one of the oldest Islamic holidays celebrated in Turkey. As cited in other... Show more

How to Find a Job in Turkey

Are you an expat in Turkey? Or maybe you’re just an adventurous soul looking to live in this beautiful country? If so, you’re in for an exciting—but also challenging—experience. For one, you’ll definitely need a job. I can hear you saying, "Hmm, finding a job! It’s already difficult to find one as a citizen. I can’t imagine searching for one as a foreigner." You don’t need to worry too much, though. As long as you know where and how to search for your dream job, it shouldn’t be a big deal. In this article, we’ll provide you with all the info you’ll need on how to find a job in Turkey for foreigners. Table of Contents What kind of jobs are available for foreigners? Ways to search for a job in Turkey Work Permit Get a... Show more

How to Say I Love You in Turkish – Romantic Word List

Do you often feel lonely and sad? Do you long for romance and are willing to do whatever it takes to meet that special person? Speaking another language could revolutionize your love life! So, why wait? Learning how to say ‘love’ in Turkish could be just what you need to find it. Or perhaps you were lucky, and have found your Turkish partner already. Fantastic! Yet, a cross-cultural relationship comes with unique challenges. Learning how to speak your lover’s language will greatly improve your communication and enhance the relationship. At TurkishClass101, our team will teach you all the words, quotes and phrases you need to woo your Turkish lover with excellence! Our tutors provide personal assistance, with plenty of extra material... Show more

How to Celebrate April Fools’ Day in Turkish

Most everyone is familiar with this day, as it is celebrated nearly everywhere the world. Yet, when exactly is April Fools’ Day? And where did April Fools come from? April Fools’ Day is observed on April 1st every year. This day of jokes and pranks is believed to have stemmed from the 16th-century calendar change in France, when New Year’s Day was moved from April 1 to January 1. This action was taken due to the adoption of the Gregorian calendar. However, a few people were resistant to the calendar change, so they continued to observe New Year’s Day on April 1st, rather than the new date. They were referred to as the “April Fools”, and others started playing mocking tricks on them. This custom endured, and is practiced to this day... Show more