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Turkish Animal Names and Related Vocabulary

Are you an animal lover?  If so, today is your lucky day!  In this article, we’ll teach you the names of different animals in the Turkish language. We have divided the animals by category as follows:  PetsFarm animalsWild animalsSea animalsBugs and insectsBirdsReptiles and amphibians In addition, we’ll teach you what to call the body parts of animals, some relevant verbs, and even a few interesting idioms that mention animals.  But first things first: The word for “animal” in Turkish is hayvan.  The fact that the Turkish word is totally different from its English counterpart might have scared you, but don’t worry! Many animal names are written identically in Turkish as they are in English. For example: hamster, iguana,... Show more

Useful Turkish Phone Words and Phrases

When you first start learning a language, it can be hard enough having face-to-face conversations with native speakers. Can you imagine how challenging a phone conversation would be? During a phone call, we have no body language cues to fall back on—only our own language skills and the patience of our interlocutor.  But listen up, Turkish learners: You no longer need to get tense when making or receiving a call in Turkish! In this article, we’ll introduce you to Turkish phone terminology as well as several Turkish phone words and phrases to help you navigate your next phone call. Table of Contents Phone-Related Vocabulary Making a Call Receiving a Call Phone/Connection Issues Sample Turkish Phone Conversations ... Show more

Handy Turkish Words for Beginners

Are you a yeni başlayan ("beginner") in Turkish? If you’ve just started learning the language, it’s a good idea to begin with the basics.  Acquiring a rudimentary vocabulary is the first step toward proficiency. By learning the essential Turkish words for beginners, you’re building a base upon which to further develop your language skills. With only a few words, you’ll be able to start communicating with native speakers and fulfilling your daily obligations while in Turkey. Then, you can start working on the grammar and building sentences using the simple words you’ve learned.  In this article, we’ve compiled a masterlist of the most useful Turkish beginner words. We’ve included everything from numbers to conjunctions to... Show more

Turkish Filler Words: Engage in More Natural Conversations

We all grow up learning and using our mother tongue, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that we do a perfect job of utilizing it—especially when it comes to conversations. For example, do you know how many filler words you use when conversing? In this article, we’ll discuss what filler words are and why we use them. We’ll also introduce you to the most common Turkish filler words, list the pros and cons of using them, and give you some advice on how to limit their use while still employing them for natural conversations in Turkish. Table of Contents What are filler words and when do we use them? The Top Turkish Filler Words Pros and Cons of Filler Words How to Control Your Use of Filler Words Discover More About... Show more

Commonly Used Turkish Love Phrases

Love is one of the most profound feelings one can experience, and one of the best. They say that it even has its own language. We can certainly imply our love for someone through a glance or a gesture, but it's best expressed with words. Because we cannot read each other’s minds, verbalizing our feelings and acknowledging those whom we value is essential for a solid relationship. In addition, it’s always best to use sincere words and phrases rather than fancy, exaggerated ones.  If a Turk has caught your eye or stolen your heart, you might be wondering:  How do I say "I love you," in Turkish?  After reading this article, you’ll be more than prepared to express your love in Turkish at every stage of your relationship.  ... Show more

Negation in the Turkish Language – HAYIR!

In life, there are times when we just need to say "no." Whether we’re refusing something offered to us, rejecting an action or idea, or letting someone know we weren’t responsible for something, this little word and its friend "not" come in handy on a daily basis.  However, whatever the intentions behind your negative sentences, the way you say them makes a huge difference! Today, you’ll learn about negation in the Turkish language. This article will cover everything you need to know, from how to form basic negative sentences to how double negation works.  Let’s dive in! Table of Contents Negation in Sentences Negation in Interrogative Sentences Double Negation Access Full Turkish Grammar Content on... Show more

Why learn the Turkish language? Here are 10 great reasons.

Learning any language comes with added benefits, from improved brain functionality to broader career opportunities.  But considering the many world languages you have to choose from, why study Turkish in particular? Whether you already have a motivation of your own or have no idea how to answer this question, believe me when I say that there are more great reasons to learn this language than you might think.  In this article, I’ll discuss 10 compelling reasons why you should learn Turkish. To further motivate you, I’ll even talk about why this language isn’t that difficult to learn!  Let’s dive in. Table of Contents There are many Turkish speakers across the globe. Turkish is one of the requirements for global... Show more

How to Use Tenses in the Turkish Language

Verbs are one of the most important elements of a sentence. But unfortunately, their infinitive forms don’t make much sense when used in a sentence; verbs must be conjugated to indicate the time of the action, as well as whether the action has been completed or is still happening.  We make these distinctions by using tenses. Tenses in the Turkish language carry certain conjugation rules with them—and when conjugation enters the scene, things get interesting! This is because it brings with it pronouns and vowel harmony. Don’t worry, though. You just need to study the rules and practice, practice, practice! Before we look at each tense in detail, let’s go over the basics of conjugation. Table of Contents Conjugation... Show more

How Fast Can You Learn Turkish?

Learning a new language is a process that requires time and effort; it can’t be completed overnight.  As an aspiring Turkish learner, you’re likely wondering at this point: Okay, so how long does it take to learn Turkish?  I can understand why you want to know the length of your learning journey in advance. This information can help you decide whether to take the plunge or not, make plans, and get prepared for your upcoming studies.  But you know what? There’s no formula where you can plug in a few variables and calculate the time right away! It’s not that simple.  However, there are a few factors that can be taken into consideration. Table of Contents Factors That Affect Your Language Learning Progress Proficiency... Show more

The Top 30 Inspirational and Motivational Turkish Proverbs

I believe proverbs are an important part of any culture. Though we don’t know under what circumstances or by whom they were put forward, they have been passed down from one generation of people to another. They serve to teach us life lessons while showing us different points of view.  As a learner of the Turkish language, you’ll greatly benefit from studying Turkish proverbs and sayings. Doing so will expand your vocabulary, help you better understand the inner workings of the language, and provide you with insight into the core values and traditions of Turkish culture.  In this article, you’ll learn thirty inspirational and motivational Turkish proverbs with their English translations. We’ve categorized them by topic, so feel free... Show more