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10 Untranslatable Turkish Words and Phrases

Where would you place yourself on the Turkish-language proficiency scale?  If you’re an intermediate or advanced learner, you already have a strong vocabulary and a good working knowledge of Turkish grammar and syntax. You might be tempted to think there’s not much more to learn… Now, sit back for a moment and think about your own native language.  Aren’t there any words or phrases that are almost impossible to translate into Turkish? Even if you could translate these terms, they wouldn’t retain their original meaning or feeling. Well, there are words like this in every language!  Untranslatable Turkish words are the next stop on your language learning journey. Learning these terms will give you additional... Show more

Turkish Greetings: How to Introduce Yourself in Turkish

Ever typed into Google: "My name is translate in Turkish?" (Ah, the language of search bars…) In today’s world, globalization has an impact on technology, transport, communication, education, trade, economy, business management, tourism, and many other areas. However, communication is the common ground for all. Millions of people from different countries, talking different languages, interact with each other as a result of globalization. As we all know, languages are the most important means of communication. No matter which language you speak, it always feels good to hear people from other nations trying to speak your native language. This definitely helps to build a connection between people whose mother tongues are different; it... Show more

Best Turkish Movies for Learning Turkish

Wouldn’t it be fun learning Turkish by watching Turkish movies? You’ll be glad to hear that today, movies are an effective way of teaching a foreign language. They’re used both as a visual and an auditory tool. Further, Turkish movies reflect the real life, popular culture, and art of the Turkish society. They’re also a good way to learn about daily conversations and improve pronunciation. Turkish movies with English subtitles will not only help you increase your vocabulary, but also help you understand how and where the words are used. In other words, Turkish movies will help you develop your skills for verbal communication and comprehension. You can watch Turkish movies on Netflix or YouTube. Table of Contents How Can Turkish... Show more

Best Turkish TV Series Guide: Turkish TV Shows 2019

The best way to learn a language quickly is a technique called language immersion. In short, this means exposing yourself to a language with bilingual aids (such as translations or subtitles). Learning Turkish by watching Turkish TV series with English subtitles is a quick and efficient way to excel in understanding Turkish. Those who wish to understand Turkish better before they visit the country can especially benefit from such a technique. The greatest problem foreign language-learners face is a lack of opportunities to hear the language being spoken by native speakers. To communicate easily, you’ll need to be comfortable with the language. It helps to accustom oneself to the rhythms and sounds of a foreign language. This is a... Show more

How to Find a Job in Turkey

Are you an expat in Turkey? Or maybe you’re just an adventurous soul looking to live in this beautiful country? If so, you’re in for an exciting—but also challenging—experience. For one, you’ll definitely need a job. I can hear you saying, "Hmm, finding a job! It’s already difficult to find one as a citizen. I can’t imagine searching for one as a foreigner." You don’t need to worry too much, though. As long as you know where and how to search for your dream job, it shouldn’t be a big deal. In this article, we’ll provide you with all the info you’ll need on how to find a job in Turkey for foreigners. Table of Contents What kind of jobs are available for foreigners? Ways to search for a job in Turkey Work Permit Get a... Show more

How to Say I Love You in Turkish – Romantic Word List

Do you often feel lonely and sad? Do you long for romance and are willing to do whatever it takes to meet that special person? Speaking another language could revolutionize your love life! So, why wait? Learning how to say ‘love’ in Turkish could be just what you need to find it. Or perhaps you were lucky, and have found your Turkish partner already. Fantastic! Yet, a cross-cultural relationship comes with unique challenges. Learning how to speak your lover’s language will greatly improve your communication and enhance the relationship. At TurkishClass101, our team will teach you all the words, quotes and phrases you need to woo your Turkish lover with excellence! Our tutors provide personal assistance, with plenty of extra material... Show more

Secret Revealed: The Best Way to Learn a Language on Your Own

Can You Really Learn Turkish Alone? Learning a language on your own or without traditional classroom instruction may seem quite daunting at first. What if you run into questions? How do you stay motivated and on track to achieving goals? Don’t worry, not only is it possible to learn Turkish or any language without traditional classroom instruction: TurkishClass101 has created the world’s most advanced and extensive online language learning system. Not only is TurkishClass101 specifically designed to help you with learning a language on your own, it’s actually faster, more convenient, and less expensive than traditional classroom options! Let’s look at some of the benefits of learning Turkish or any language alone. Also, don't forget... Show more

Language Learning Tips: How to Avoid Awkward Silences

Yes, even beginners can quickly learn conversational Turkish well enough to carry on real conversations with native speakers. Of course, beginners won’t be able to carry a conversation the same way they could in their native language. But, just knowing a few tips like which questions to ask to keep a conversation going are all you need to speak and interact with real native speakers! But before we get to specific suggestions, let’s first take a closer look at how having real Turkish conversations is so vital to your mastery of the language. Learning to Carry a Conversation is Vital to Mastery of Any Language Communicating with other people is the very point of language and conversation is almost second nature in our native tongue. For... Show more

How to Transform Your Daily Commute Into Learning a Language

Today, classrooms are no longer the only or even best place to learn a new language like Turkish. More and more people are finding that they can easily learn a language just about anywhere they have a few minutes of spare time, including their daily commute to work. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average American spends over 50 minutes a day commuting to and from work, or over 300 hours a year. Rethinking Your Daily Commute to Work But rather than simply sitting in traffic and wasting the time, you can instead use your daily commute to literally learn Turkish in just a few short months! TurkishClass101 has developed specialized learning tools that you can use on your commute to work (and home again) to master the language... Show more

Guide to Turkish Greetings: Ways to Say Hello in Turkish

When learning the Turkish language, how to say hello is one of the most essential things you’ll need to know. You can say "Hello, how are you?" in Turkish in many different ways, and there are many Turkish ways to say hello. In Turkish, how to say hi is simply a matter of knowing which phrase to use and where to use it. In no time at all you can become such a confident Turkish speaker that you could walk into a smoky, dimly lit coffee shop in Istanbul and say hello in Turkish to a group of elderly gentlemen playing backgammon... Then you could walk through a coastal park overlooking the Bosphorus and shout "hey" in Turkish to the hip youngsters gathered on a bench. Wouldn’t that be nice? By studying up on how to say hello in Turkey,... Show more