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Gabriella: Hello, and welcome back to TurkishClass101.com. This is Absolute Beginner season 1, lesson 21, Asking Simple Questions in Turkish. I’m Gabriella.
Feyza: Merhaba. And I’m Feyza!
Gabriella: In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask a question and give a brief yes/no answer.
Feyza: This conversation takes place in Hakan’s house, in his daughter Ayla’s room. It's between, Merve, Hakan, and Bora as they’re interrupted by Hakan’s dog, Çomar.
Gabriella: They’re using informal language. Ok, let’s listen to the conversation.
Merve: (Ayla cries) Aa, Ayla, aç mısın? Hakan, Ayla muz yer mi?
Hakan: Evet, yer. Ayla muzu çok sever.
Merve: Gerçekten mi? Peki, Ayla, al bakalım. Bak taze mi taze...
(Ayla laughs.)
(Dog whines.)
Bora: Hakan, Çomar muz yer mi?
Hakan: Aman dikkat! Kokusunu aldı mı herşeyi yer! Şeker sağlığına zararlı!
Gabriella: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Merve: (Ayla cries) Aa, Ayla, aç mısın? Hakan, Ayla muz yer mi?
Hakan: Evet, yer. Ayla muzu çok sever.
Merve: Gerçekten mi? Peki, Ayla, al bakalım. Bak taze mi taze...
(Ayla laughs.)
(Dog whines.)
Bora: Hakan, Çomar muz yer mi?
Hakan: Aman dikkat! Kokusunu aldı mı herşeyi yer! Şeker sağlığına zararlı!
Gabriella: Now, let’s hear it with the English translation.
Merve: (Ayla cries) Aa, Ayla, aç mısın? Hakan, Ayla muz yer mi?
Merve: (Ayla cries) Oh, Ayla, are you hungry? Hakan, does Ayla eat bananas?
Hakan: Evet, yer. Ayla muzu çok sever.
Hakan: Yes, she does. Ayla loves bananas!
Merve: Gerçekten mi? Peki, Ayla, al bakalım. Bak taze mi taze...
Merve: Oh, really? Okay, Ayla. Here you go.
Bora: Hakan, Çomar muz yer mi?
Bora: Hakan, does Çomar eat bananas?
Hakan: Aman dikkat! Kokusunu aldı mı herşeyi yer! Şeker sağlığına zararlı!
Hakan: Oh, watch out! He would eat everything as soon as he smells it! Sugar is bad for his health!
Gabriella: This lesson’s dialogue introduces almost all the characters we’ve met in this series, including the dog.
Feyza: (laughs) Indeed it does. Have you noticed the variety in Turkish names?
Gabriella: I was about to mention that. Almost all of them sound quite unique. Can you tell us a bit about Turkish names Feyza?
Feyza: Gladly. Let’s start with the basics. A Turkish name consists of ad or isim
Gabriella: Both meaning "name"
Feyza: And a soyad...
Gabriella: Meaning "surname." But there are middle names, right?
Feyza: Of course there are! And people usually get their middle names from their grandparents, depending on their gender.
Gabriella: How about honorifics, like nobility and such?
Feyza: Oh that... Well, Turkey has abolished all of them, so there are no noble forms or types of surnames.
Gabriella: I see. And the surnames pass from a father to his children right?
Feyza: That’s right. It’s determined by Turkish civil law.
Gabriella: Great to know! But I really want to find out more about the meanings behind those unique-sounding Turkish names? Do they even have a meaning?
Feyza: Yes, almost all Turkish names have a meaning.
Gabriella: Now that’s fascinating. Can you at least tell the meanings of our characters' names for this series.
Feyza: Sure. Merve is the name of a mountain near the city of Mekke, which is believed to be holy.
Gabriella: So it's a name with an Arabic origin?
Feyza: That’s right. Ayla however is a name of Turkic origin. And it means, "moonlight" or the "halo around the moon."
Gabriella: So beautiful. How about our male characters?
Feyza: Bora is the name of a cold northeastern wind and Hakan means "Turkish ruler, a king."
Gabriella: Great information Feyza. Are the names gender specific in Turkish?
Feyza: Most of them are, yes. But Turkish also has a lot of unisex names.
Gabriella: Oh, let’s tell our listeners the most contemporary one.
Feyza: Well one of the most popular is Deniz.
Gabriella: It means "sea," and it's a unisex name.
Gabriella: The first word we shall see is...
Feyza: muz [natural native speed]
Gabriella: banana
Feyza: muz [slowly - broken down by syllable] muz [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Feyza: alıp bakmak [natural native speed]
Gabriella: here you go
Feyza: alıp bakmak [slowly - broken down by syllable] alıp bakmak [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Feyza: çomar [natural native speed]
Gabriella: mastiff, large watchdog
Feyza: çomar [slowly - broken down by syllable] çomar [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Feyza: mi [natural native speed]
Gabriella: an interrogative suffix
Feyza: mi [slowly - broken down by syllable] mi [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Feyza: taze [natural native speed]
Gabriella: fresh
Feyza: taze [slowly - broken down by syllable] taze [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Feyza: aman [natural native speed]
Gabriella: oh, mercy, my
Feyza: aman [slowly - broken down by syllable] aman [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Feyza: kokusunu almak [natural native speed]
Gabriella: smell out, to perceive the smell of
Feyza: kokusunu almak [slowly - broken down by syllable] kokusunu almak [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Feyza: her şey [natural native speed]
Gabriella: everything
Feyza: her şey [slowly - broken down by syllable] her şey [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Feyza: sağlık [natural native speed]
Gabriella: health
Feyza: sağlık [slowly - broken down by syllable] sağlık [natural native speed]
Gabriella: And last...
Feyza: zararlı [natural native speed]
Gabriella: harmful, bad
Feyza: zararlı [slowly - broken down by syllable] zararlı [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. What’s our first word Feyza?
Feyza: koku almak
Gabriella: It means "to nose around"
Feyza: koku means "odor" or "smell," and it's accompanied by the verb almak.
Gabriella: Oh, I remember that from our previous lessons. It means "to receive," "to buy" or "to take," right?
Feyza: Well done Gabriella. That’s right.
Gabriella: So this phrase literally means, "to nose around an odor."
Feyza: Exactly. This word can be used for an animal smelling something like, köpek etin kokusunu aldı.
Gabriella: "The dog smelled the meat." It also refers to an action done by a human being...
Feyza: Köri kokusu alıyorum.
Gabriella: "I'm smelling curry."
Feyza: Keep in mind that the verb koklamak, meaning "to smell," is different than koku almak, because the latter one emphasizes the time and process it takes for that odor to reach your nose.
Gabriella: While koklamak signifies the immediate act of smelling something. Great, so let’s hear our next word?
Feyza: her şey
Gabriella: A pronoun that means "everything."
Feyza: This pronoun is composed of her, meaning "every," and şey, meaning "thing."
Gabriella How do you say "everything will be allright" in Turkish Feyza?
Feyza: Her şey güzel olacak.
Gabriella: Great! Let’s hear our final word.
Feyza: zararlı
Gabriella: ...meaning “harmful” or “hazardous.”
Feyza: This word is an adjective constructed from the noun zarar, with the derivational affix -lı added.
Gabriella: Derivational affixes play a strong role in Turkish grammar, as they construct gerundives and other adjectives. Now let’s hear a sentence using this word.
Feyza: Fast food sağlığa çok zararlıdır.
Gabriella: “Fast food is very harmful for health.” Okay, now onto the grammar.
Gabriella: In this lesson, you’ll learn the many uses of the interrogative suffix in Turkish.
Feyza: You’ll also learn the structure of an interrogative sentence in Turkish.
Gabriella: Feyza, how can we classify the question sentences in Turkish?
Feyza: There are two— yes/no questions, and regular questions.
Gabriella: Listeners, in this lesson, we’ll focus on how to ask yes/no questions using the interrogative suffix, which is always written separately at the very end of the sentence. What are the interrogative suffixes in Turkish Feyza?
Feyza: mi, mı, mu, or mü depending on the vowel harmony rules.
Gabriella: Let’s hear some examples with yes/no questions.
Feyza: Onun adı Hakan mı?
Gabriella: "Is his name Hakan?" And the answer is,
Feyza: Evet öyle.
Gabriella: "Yes, it is." Let’s give another example.
Feyza: Bu Hakan’ın evi mi?
Gabriella: "Is this Hakan’s house?"
Feyza: Hayır, bu benim evim.
Gabriella: "No, it’s my house." Now let’s hear the suffixes for different personal pronouns.
Feyza: For ben, use miyim, mıyım, muyum, or müyüm.
Gabriella: "am I?"
Feyza: For sen, use misin, mısın, musun, or müsün.
Gabriella: "are you?"
Feyza: For o, use mi, mı, mu, or mü.
Gabriella: "is he?," "is she?," or "is it?"
Feyza: For biz, use miyiz, mıyız, muyuz, or müyüz.
Gabriella: "are we?"
Feyza: For siz, use ‘misiniz, mısınız, musunuz, or müsünüz.
Gabriella: "are you?"
Feyza: For onlar, use a combination of the ler or lar plural suffix and mi, mı, mu or mü.
Gabriella: meaning "are they?" Okay now let’s hear some examples using these suffixes.
Feyza: First person singular, Yapabilir miyim?
Gabriella: "Can I do it?"
Feyza: Second person singular, Sen misin?
Gabriella: "Is that you?"
Feyza: Third person singular, O bekar mı?
Gabriella: "Is he/she single?"
Feyza: First person plural, Biz güçlü müyüz?
Gabriella: "Are we strong?"
Feyza: Second person plural, Siz evli misiniz?
Gabriella: "Are you married?"
Feyza: Third person plural, Onlar doktorlar mı?
Gabriella: "Are they doctors?" Dear listeners, please don’t forget to check our lesson notes for five different uses of interrogative suffixes in Turkish.


Feyza: And that’s all for this lesson.
Gabriella: Thanks for joining us, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Feyza: Hoşçakalın!

