Merhaba, ben Seda. |
Hello, I'm Seda. |
Welcome to Today we will talk about the questions you get asked during your visit to Turkey and customs or immigration. |
So let's start. Okay, actually the thing is, it's a little bit weird for me because I've never heard these questions in Turkish. I know the English ones because when I visit somewhere I get asked in English but never in Turkish. I just showed my passport since I'm a Turkish citizen and you know, came to the country. So these are also new for me as well. |
Okay, let's start with the first one. Ah yeah, that's the basic one actually. Zİyaret amacınız nedir? |
'What's the purpose of your visit?' And you can answer this as like business or pleasure or holiday. You can say 'İş için geldim' (I came for business) or 'Tatil için geldim' (I came for holiday). |
So these questions are a little nerve-racking, right? I never liked passport controls anyway. Okay, you can get asked about how many days you'll be staying in the country. So Ülkede gün kalacaksınız?' (How many days will you stay?). So this is, as I said, how many days you will be staying in the country. So you can say three, four, five, ten. It's up to your duration actually. Like you can say 'Üç gün kalacağım' (I will stay for three days). That’s how we write actually, we say “kalıcam.”” Üç gün kalıcam.” |
Let's see the next question. “Yanınızda ne kadar para var?” “How much money do you have with you” So sometimes they ask this question. I don’t know why, but maybe you have enough to stay in the country. YAnınızda kaç para var. Millions of dollars. You can say how much money you have. You can say I have a credit card. LEt’s say it in Turkish. Kredi kartım var. Let’s say I have 1000 TL. Bin liram var.” So that’s it. LEt’s see the next question. This is also very common. |
'Where will you be staying during your visit?' Nerede kalacaksınız? |
So these questions are polite like 'Nerede kalacaksınız?' (Where will you stay?), 'Kaç paranız var things like that. But the police officers, they may ask the third person implied, not impolite but like a more casual one. So it's a little bit more intimidating. So keep that in mind. So you can say 'I will stay at a hotel'. Let's not give any brands. 'Otelde kalacağım' (I will stay at a hotel). Nerede kalacaksınız? OTelde kalacağım. This is also the same. I wouldn’t say “kalacağım” the proper one. I would say, “otelde kalıcam.” |
Let's see the next questions. 'What is your occupation?' “Ne iş yapıyorsunuz? |
So you may answer like a doctor, “Doktorum' (I am a doctor), or 'Mühendisim' (I am an engineer), those are the cliches, right? Or “öğretmenim' (I am a teacher). So if you don't know about the occupations, you can check out the lessons. We have some lessons on that as well. |
Let's see the next question. 'Is there anyone coming to pick you up?' “Sizi almaya biri gelecek mi?” |
You can say yes, and in that case, they would probably ask like who and maybe from hotel or from your business partner or I don't know, something like that. If you say no, they may ask how you are planning to go there. Then they can say “Oraya nasıl gideceksiniz?' (How will you get there?) and you may answer by taxi or by bus. We have a lot of public transportation options. So you can use the bus, so you can say 'Otobüsle gideceğim' (By bus) or 'Taksiyle gideceğim.' (By taxi). This is the same “gideceğim, we say “gidicem”. |
Let's see the next question. 'Do you have a return ticket?' That's the question they love.. '(Do you have a return ticket?). Are you going to stay here forever or are you going to go back to your country? They ask this. Dönüş biletiniz var mı?' No I will be here forever. Dönüş biletiniz var mı?' You better say yes. If you say no, they will, they may give you a hard time. I don't know. Okay, you know, if you don't have, you don't have. What can you do? |
So you can say 'Evet, var' (Yes, I have) or 'Hayır, yok' (No, I don't). I will be here forever. I don’t have it yet. Henüz almadım. |
Let's see the next question. 'Do you have anything to declare? Are you bringing something to our country?' So 'Gümrük için bildireceğiniz bir şey var mı?' (Do you have anything to declare at customs?). That's really fast, but maybe you can catch some words, I don't know. So you can say 'Evet, var' (Yes, I have) or 'Hayır, yok' (No, I don't). Actually, I don't know what are the rules about the stuff you have to declare, but they give you, you know, before landing in, they give you a paper about what to declare, what not to declare. So you can read that and you can prepare accordingly. |
And yeah, this is also very common. 'Can I see your flight ticket and hotel reservation?' They want to see that you are legit. So they may want to see that. 'Uçak biletinizi ve otel rezervasyonunuzu görebilir miyim?' (Can I see your flight ticket and hotel reservation?). One more time, slowly. 'Uçak biletinizi ve otel rezervasyonunuzu görebilir miyim?' (Can I see your flight ticket and hotel reservation?). |
So that's it, guys. I hope if you come to visit Turkey, you'll have a very easy time to get through the customs and like the passport control and no trouble. But you will impress the police officer with your Turkish and have fun visiting here. I think that's it, guys. I will see you next time. Leave some comments. Have you ever been to Turkey? Have you ever visited any Turkish city? Which cities did you like? What did you like? What didn't you like about Turkey? Leave some experiences down there, and I will see you next time. Bye. Hoşçakalın. Görüşürüz. |
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