
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to TurkishClass101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 25 - A Turkish Problem Child. Eric Here.
Selin: Merhaba, I'm Selin.
Eric: In this lesson, we’ll summarize some grammar. The conversation takes place at Mert's house.
Selin: It's between Ozge and Mert.
Eric: The speakers are friends; therefore, they’ll speak informal Turkish. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Özge: Mert sen nasıl bir çocuktun?
Mert: (laughs) Yerimde durmazmışım. Hiperaktifmişim baya.
Özge: Aa pek bir şey değişmemiş yani (laughs)
Mert: Aynen. Hatta bir kere yanlışlıkla masayı yakmışım.
Özge: Ne?!
Mert: Dayım tesadüfen yetişmiş. Masayı aldığı gibi camdan aşağı atmış.
Özge: Ay inanamıyorum.
Mert: Bir kere de makasla perdeleri yıldız şeklinde kesmişim.
Özge: Of of ben sana göre çok daha sakin bir çocukmuşum ya...
Mert: Ben ancak 90'larda Nintendo Gameboy ve bilgisayar oyunlarını keşfedince sakinleşmişim.
Eric: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Özge: Mert sen nasıl bir çocuktun?
Mert: (laughs) Yerimde durmazmışım. Hiperaktifmişim baya.
Özge: Aa pek bir şey değişmemiş yani (laughs)
Mert: Aynen. Hatta bir kere yanlışlıkla masayı yakmışım.
Özge: Ne?!
Mert: Dayım tesadüfen yetişmiş. Masayı aldığı gibi camdan aşağı atmış.
Özge: Ay inanamıyorum.
Mert: Bir kere de makasla perdeleri yıldız şeklinde kesmişim.
Özge: Of of ben sana göre çok daha sakin bir çocukmuşum ya...
Mert: Ben ancak 90'larda Nintendo Gameboy ve bilgisayar oyunlarını keşfedince sakinleşmişim.
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Ozge: Mert, how were you when you were a child?
Mert: They say that I used to be restless and very hyperactive.
Ozge: Oh, so nothing much has changed since then (laughs).
Mert: Exactly. I even accidentally burned a table one time.
Ozge: What?!
Mert: My uncle caught me coincidentally. He threw the table out of the window as soon as he had picked it up.
Ozge: Oh, I cannot believe that...
Mert: I also cut the curtains in the shape of stars one time.
Ozge: Wow... As compared to you, I used to be a very calm child.
Mert: I only calmed down after I had discovered Nintendo Gameboy and computer games in the 90's.
Eric: Mert was an interesting child.
Selin: Yes! I think everyone should be glad that Mert discovered video games and didn’t continue being destructive!
Eric: What’s life like in Turkey for youths?
Selin: Unlike most other European countries, Turkey has a large population of young people.
Eric: Are there many opportunities for young people?
Selin: Most young people in urban areas are unemployed.
Eric: That’s not good for the economy.
Selin: No, it isn’t. The youth in Turkey are also very polarized.
Eric: How so?
Selin: The urban youth with a good education and socioeconomic background are quite Westernized in their beliefs and pretty liberal.
Eric: And those from rural areas aren’t?
Selin: Not so much. Those who’ve migrated from the rural areas to urban areas have conservative beliefs or a wannabe lifestyle.
Eric: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Selin: hiperaktif [natural native speed]
Eric: hyperactive
Selin: hiperaktif[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Selin: hiperaktif [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Selin: yakmak [natural native speed]
Eric: to burn
Selin: yakmak[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Selin: yakmak [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Selin: tesadüf [natural native speed]
Eric: coincidence
Selin: tesadüf[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Selin: tesadüf [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Selin: yetişmek [natural native speed]
Eric: to catch up
Selin: yetişmek[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Selin: yetişmek [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Selin: kesmek [natural native speed]
Eric: to cut
Selin: kesmek[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Selin: kesmek [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Selin: sakin [natural native speed]
Eric: calm
Selin: sakin[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Selin: sakin [natural native speed]
Eric: And next...
Selin: sakinleşmek [natural native speed]
Eric: to calm down
Selin: sakinleşmek[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Selin: sakinleşmek [natural native speed]
Eric: And last...
Selin: bilgisayar oyunu [natural native speed]
Eric: computer game
Selin: bilgisayar oyunu[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Selin: bilgisayar oyunu [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of one of the phrases from this lesson. The phrase is...
Selin: yerinde duramamak
Eric: meaning "hyperactiveness." This is an idiom.
Selin: Yes, it’s made of the noun yerinde, meaning “at a place,” and the verb duramamak, meaning “unable to stop.”
Eric: So that verb is in a negative form?
Selin: That’s right.
Eric: How can you use this phrase?
Selin: You can use this to describe an anxious or eager behavior or a character trait. It’s mostly informal.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Selin: Sure. For example, you can say, Ameliyat haberini duyunca yerimde duramadım ve hastaneye gittim.
Eric: ...which means "After hearing the news about his/her surgery, I couldn't wait and went to the hospital."
Eric: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, we’ll review some grammar.
Eric: We can start by looking at the past tense again.
Selin: We looked at this in previous lessons.
Eric: Right. We learned that Turkish has compound verb tenses that are formed when verbs with nominative tenses have a predicative suffix and form a second tense.
Selin: And that there are three subcategories for verbs with compound tenses.
Eric: They are the pluperfect compound tense, the compound narrative tense, and the compound conditional tense.
Selin: We also learned about the conjugation of the compound past perfect tense with present continuous suffix.
Eric: And the present dubitative continuous compound tense.
Selin: For that, we use a verb stem plus -ıyor plus muş.
Eric: We also learned the conjugation of the past perfect with indefinite past tense suffix and the past dubitative compound tense.
Selin: You can make this with verb stem plus -mış plus -mış.
Eric: And the conjugation of the compound past perfect tense with simple present tense suffix and present dubitative simple compound tense.
Selin: You can make this with verb stem plus -ır plus -mış.
Eric: We also learned about gerunds. These are verbs that are conjugated and act as adverbs.
Selin: There’s a list of suffixes for the gerunds in the lesson notes for this lesson and in previous lessons as well.
Eric: For now, let’s hear some example sentences.
Selin: Yurt dışına gittiğimde ev tutacağım.
Eric: “I will rent a flat once I go abroad.”
Selin: Tam seni aradığım sırada kapı çaldı.
Eric: “The moment I called you, the doorbell rang.” And finally, the last point we’ll review is postpositions.
Selin: We learned about the postpositions gibi, kadar, ile, için, göre, and üzere.
Eric: These mean “like,” “as something as something," “with," “for," “according to” and “for," respectively.
Selin: For example, Ahmet babası gibi mimar oldu.
Eric: “Ahmet became an architect like his father.”
Selin: Partiye güzel bir kadınla katıldı.
Eric: “He attended the party with a beautiful woman.”


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson and this series. Thank you for listening everyone, and we’ll see you in another series! Bye!
Selin: Güle güle.

