Selam arkadaşlar, ben Zehra. Hi everybody! I’m Zehra. |
Welcome to’s “3 dakikada Türkçe”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Turkish. |
In the last lesson, we learned how to use the verb var, "to have," in the negative form. |
In this lesson, we will start to learn about Turkish adjectives and how to use them properly. |
Here’s some good news for you - using adjectives in Turkish is almost same as in English! So let’s get started! |
The basic rule for using adjectives correctly in Turkish is that they always have to agree with the word that they are qualifying. |
Let’s start with a concrete example Çok güzel bir araba, which means "A very beautiful car." |
[slowly] Çok güzel bir araba. |
In this sentence güzel is the adjective and it is qualifying the object araba or “car”. Güzel is one of the most common adjectives in the Turkish language. |
We can replace this adjective with any other and the sentence stays the same |
çirkin (“ugly”)----- Çirkin araba |
büyük (“big”)--- Büyük araba. |
küçük (“small”) ---- Küçük araba |
temiz (“clean”) --- temiz araba |
hızlı(fast)---- hızlı araba |
yavaş(slow)---- yavaş araba |
Using adjectives in plural form is exactly the same as with singular form. The only difference is the noun. As you may remember we add the -lar or -ler suffix to make a word plural. |
For example, When you say |
Güzel kız, which means “beautiful girl”, you can also say güzel kızlar “Beautiful girls.” |
As you can see only the noun ‘kız, meaning “girl” changes and becomes kızlar “girls.” The adjective, güzel, stays the same. |
Now it’s time for Zehra’s Insights. |
If you want to strengthen an adjective in Turkish, you can use the word çok before it. For example, çok güzel, which is "really/very beautiful" or çok lezzetli which is “really/very delicious. |
In this lesson, we learned how to properly use adjectives in Turkish and how to agree them correctly with nouns. |
Next time we’ll learn the basic uses of the verb gitmek, which is "To go," so that you will be able to say sentences like "I’m going to school." |
I'll be waiting for you with the answer in the next 3 dakikada Türkçe lesson. |
Görüşmek üzere! |