Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Selam arkadaşlar, ben Zehra. Hi everybody! I’m Zehra.
Welcome to TurkishClass101.com’s “3 dakikada Türkçe”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Turkish.
In the last lesson, we learned how to use the verb var, "to have," in the negative form.
In this lesson, we will start to learn about Turkish adjectives and how to use them properly.
Here’s some good news for you - using adjectives in Turkish is almost same as in English! So let’s get started!
The basic rule for using adjectives correctly in Turkish is that they always have to agree with the word that they are qualifying.
Let’s start with a concrete example Çok güzel bir araba, which means "A very beautiful car."
[slowly] Çok güzel bir araba.
In this sentence güzel is the adjective and it is qualifying the object araba or “car”. Güzel is one of the most common adjectives in the Turkish language.
We can replace this adjective with any other and the sentence stays the same
çirkin (“ugly”)----- Çirkin araba
büyük (“big”)--- Büyük araba.
küçük (“small”) ---- Küçük araba
temiz (“clean”) --- temiz araba
hızlı(fast)---- hızlı araba
yavaş(slow)---- yavaş araba
Using adjectives in plural form is exactly the same as with singular form. The only difference is the noun. As you may remember we add the -lar or -ler suffix to make a word plural.
For example, When you say
Güzel kız, which means “beautiful girl”, you can also say güzel kızlar “Beautiful girls.”
As you can see only the noun ‘kız, meaning “girl” changes and becomes kızlar “girls.” The adjective, güzel, stays the same.
Now it’s time for Zehra’s Insights.
If you want to strengthen an adjective in Turkish, you can use the word çok before it. For example, çok güzel, which is "really/very beautiful" or çok lezzetli which is “really/very delicious.
In this lesson, we learned how to properly use adjectives in Turkish and how to agree them correctly with nouns.
Next time we’ll learn the basic uses of the verb gitmek, which is "To go," so that you will be able to say sentences like "I’m going to school."
I'll be waiting for you with the answer in the next 3 dakikada Türkçe lesson.
Görüşmek üzere!


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