Selam arkadaşlar, ben Zehra. Hi everybody! I’m Zehra. |
Welcome to’s “3 dakikada Türkçe”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Turkish. |
In the last lesson, we learned how to ask "What" questions in Turkish. |
This time, we are going to ask "Where" questions. |
Imagine you want to call your friend and ask where he is now. You will ask him Neredesin? This is the exact translation of "Where are you?" |
So let’s break down this question: |
Nere is the basic translation of "Where" in Turkish. |
Nerede means “where at” |
Neredesin is the second person singular form of “where” |
So, altogether it is Neredesin?, "Where are you?" |
So in Turkish, "Where" is mainly translated as nerede. |
So for example, if you want to ask "Where do you live?" You will say Nerede yaşıyorsun? |
But be careful, because several variations of nerede are possible in Turkish. For example, if you want to ask "Where do you come from?" you will use Nereden geliyorsun? |
The word nere also changes if you are speaking about a destination. If you want to say, for example, nereye gidiyorsun? |
This literally means "Where are you going to?" nereye is often used when asking about a final destination, for example, your final train station. |
Now it’s time for Zehra’s Insights. |
If you want to ask about someone's country of origin, the exact translation of "Where do you come from", Nerelisin? is actually more commonly used then nereden geliyorsun? |
Before ending this lesson, Let’s look back at all the ways to translate "Where" in Turkish: |
- nerede is the basic "Where", as in "Where do you live?" nerede yaşıyorsun? |
- Nereden is specifying the origin or the starting point, as in "Where do you come from?" Nereden geliyorsun? |
- Nereye is insisting on the destination or arrival point, as in "Where are you going to?" |
Nereye gidiyorsun? |
In this lesson, we learned how to correctly use the Turkish word for "Where", nerede, and also its different variations. |
In the next lesson we’ll learn about asking "When" questions. |
I'll be waiting for you in the next 3 dakikada Türkçe lesson. |
Görüşmek üzere! |