Lesson Transcript

Hi, everybody! This is Selin from TurkishClass101.com.
Do you know how to say “thank you” in Turkish? In this lesson, you'll learn three different ways to say "thank you" and how to respond.
Let’s start with the formal way to say "Thank you."
Teşekkür ederim.
[slowly] Teşekkür ederim.
It means “thank you" or literally "I give my thanks."
If you want to show your sincere appreciation for something, say this phrase.
Çok teşekkür ederim.
[slowly] Çok teşekkür ederim
The word çok means "very." So this expression means "Thank you very much."
It expresses a deeper appreciation for a personal kindness.
When you want to appreciate someone in a more casual way, you can use this expression.
[slowly] Teşekkürler.
When you want to thank your friends, use this expression.
Now you know 3 different ways to say "thank you" in Turkish! But how do you respond if someone thanks you?
If someone says "thank you" in Turkish, simply say Bir şey değil. It means "You're welcome."
Let's wrap up this lesson by recapping what we've learned. Listen to the expressions and repeat after me.
The formal way to say “Thank you."
Teşekkür ederim.
Teşekkür ederim.
"Thank you so much."
Çok teşekkür ederim.
Çok teşekkür ederim.
The casual way to say "thank you."
And to respond, just say:
Bir şey değil.
Bir şey değil.
Well done! [pause]
If you're not sure which one to use, you can just say the casual one - teşekkürler. It can be used with anyone, anywhere, and at any time!
You just learned three different ways to say “thank you” and how to respond in Turkish.
And, if you really want to become fluent and speak Turkish from the very first lesson, go to TurkishClass101.com.
I’ll see you next time. Bir dahaki dersimize kadar görüşmek üzere!


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