Hi, everybody! I'm Selin from TurkishClass101.com! |
Do you know how to say “Bye” in Turkish? In this lesson, you'll learn three parting expressions in Turkish. |
Let’s start with the easiest one. |
Hoşçakal. |
[slowly] Hoşçakal. |
This means "Goodbye" in Turkish. |
This expression literally means "stay well." |
If you want to be more casual, there's a different phrase you should use. |
Güle güle. |
[slowly] Güle güle. |
This means "Bye-bye" in Turkish. |
When speaking with strangers or friends, you can use this parting expression. It literally means "leaving while smiling." This is the Turkish version of "bye-bye." |
If you know that you are going to see someone again, here's a phrase for you. |
Görüşmek üzere. |
[slowly] Görüşmek üzere. |
This means "See you later." |
Görüşmek üzere literally means "until I see you." |
Let's wrap up this lesson by recapping what you've learned. Listen to the words and repeat after me. |
"Goodbye." |
Hoşçakal. |
Hoşçakal. |
"Bye-bye." |
Güle güle. |
Güle güle. |
"See you later." |
Görüşmek üzere. |
Görüşmek üzere. |
Well done! |
Here's a fun fact! |
When speaking with people older than you, it's a good idea to use the polite version of "goodbye." Hoşçakalınız. |
You just learned how to say “Bye” in three different ways in Turkish. |
See you soon! Güle güle. |