Vocabulary (Review)
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Learn Turkish words to use around the office
Get this lesson’s key vocab, their translations and pronunciations. Sign up for your Free Lifetime Account Now and get 7 Days of Premium Access including this feature.
Hi everyone, this is Selin and welcome to Turkish Weekly Words. So today, what do you think we will be talking about? I am so excited. So let’s find out together. |
Ofiste "At the Office" |
1. masa "desk" |
Actually, in Turkish, we say sıra for desk. If you are in a school, then you can use sıra but if you are in an office, then, you should say masa instead of sıra. |
Masamda birçok kağıt var. "There are so many papers in my desk" |
2. bilgisayar "computer" |
So if you want to say desktop in Turkish, then you go like masaüstü bilgisayar. |
Benim masaüstü bilgisayarım var. "I have a desktop computer" |
masaüstü bilgisayar - "desktop computer" |
3. toplantı "meeting" |
There are usually many meetings in companies, right. So yeah, we use the word toplantı. It’s very, very common. If you want to complain to your co-workers like ah, “Today’s meeting was so long”, then, you can say in Turkish like, |
Bugünkü toplantı çok uzundu. "Today's meeting was so long." |
4. iş arkadaşı "coworker" |
İş arkadaşlarınla iyi geçiniyor musun? "Are you getting along with your coworkers?" |
Maybe like your boss can ask you, right? “Are you getting along with your coworker?” |
5. müdür "manager" |
Boss or manager, we say müdür. There is always a manager in the office, right? |
Müdürünüz kim? "Who is your manager?" |
So thank you for watching the video. If you want to watch more Turkish videos, please visit turkishclass101.com, see you guys in the next video. Bye-bye! |