Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone, this is Selin. Merhaba! Welcome to Turkish Weekly Words. Let’s start our lesson.
Furniture, mobilya.
1. sofa "kanepe"
Evimde büyük yeşil bir kanepe var. "I have a big green sofa in my house."
2. bed "yatak"
Ben geniş bir yatakta uyumaktan hoşlanıyorum. "I like to sleep in a large bed."
3. table "masa"
Masa tenisi is table-tennis.
If you have so many papers and stuff like that,
Masam çok karışık. "My table is very messy."
4. bookshelf "kitaplık"
Kitaplığımda Türkçe kitaplar var. "There are Turkish books in my bookshelf."
5. chair "sandalye"
Evimde ahşaptan sandalye var. "I have a wooden chair in my house."
Actually I don’t have wooden chair or sofa or anything. It’s really small house.
Okay. This is the end. Thank you guys for watching and I hope to see you in the next video. Bye bye!

