Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone, it’s Selin and welcome to Turkish Weekly Words. As usual, I don’t know the content of the lesson. So it’s a surprise for me. Let’s find out together. Colors. Renkler. Colors mean Renkler.
renkler "colors"
1. kırmızı "red"
Red is my absolute favorite color.
Kırmızı bir ruj almak istiyorum. Which means, "I want to buy a red lipstick."
2. sarı "yellow"
Türkiye'de taksiler sarıdır. "Taxis in Turkey are yellow."
I think in the rest of the world, it’s yellow as well. In Japan, it’s green. You know, green, white maybe. Yeah. But we have pink actually. We have pink taxis like recently. I want to ride pink taxi.
3. mavi "blue"
Mavi bir gökyüzünün altında uyumak istiyorum.. I said, "I want to sleep under a blue sky."
So poetic really.
Mavi bir gökyüzünün altında uyumak istiyorum.
4. yeşil "green"
Green is my second favorite color.
En iyi arkadaşımın göz rengi yeşil. "My best friend's eye color is green."
It is really green. He has really beautiful green eyes.
5. pembe "pink"
Türkiye'de pembe taksiler de var. "There are also pink taxis in Turkey."
Though usually it’s yellow but recently, we have Pink.
If you want to watch more videos, please visit turkishclass101.com, so see you guys in the next video. Bye-bye!

