Vocabulary (Review)
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Learn Turkish words for the months of the year
Get this lesson’s key vocab, their translations and pronunciations. Sign up for your Free Lifetime Account Now and get 7 Days of Premium Access including this feature.
Hey, guys! Merhaba, nasılsınız? Welcome to Turkish Weekly Words. The lesson is a surprise for me. I don’t know what I am going to talk about because like it’s a surprise as I told you. So let’s find out together. Months of the year, Yılın Ayları. |
Başlayalım. Let’s start. |
1. eylül "september" |
We actually use this word as like girl name in Turkish. There are some Turkish girls. Her name is September. We use it, yeah. And I think it’s a pretty name actually. |
Eylül adında bir arkadaşım var. "I have a friend whose name is Eylül." |
2. haziran "june" |
I like summer time maybe it’s because I was born in summer. So June is kind of my favorite, not my favorite. My second favorite after my birthday. |
Haziranda hava çok sıcaktır. "Weather is very hot in June." |
3. aralık "december" |
So it’s Christmas time maybe, right but we don’t celebrate Christmas. No… It’s too bad, right? We celebrate New Year actually but we don’t celebrate December 25. |
Aralıkta İstanbul'da kar yağar. "In December it snows in Istanbul." But it doesn’t snow at all in where I came from, Antalya. |
4. ocak "january" |
My mom’s birthday, January 27th. Yeah, I am not going to say her age. Maybe she’ll be angry. |
Ocakta annemin doğum günü var. "My mom's birthday is in January." |
5. ağustos "august" |
And my birthday is in August. Remember well. |
Benim doğum günüm 16 Ağustosta. "My birthday is August 16." |
And I am a Leo. Actually I don’t believe in it but, I am a Leo, yeah. |
I think that’s all for this video. And if you want to watch more videos, please visit turkishclass101.com, see you guys in the next video. Görüşürüz! Take care! Okay, bye-bye. |