Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hello everyone, this is Selin and welcome to Turkish Weekly Words. So today, we would be talking about, wow! Crossing Borders. Sınırı Geçmek. “Border,” sınırı; geçmek, “crossing”. Sınırı geçmek.
1. uyruk "nationality"
For example, you go to police station and police can ask you, ah “what is your nationality?”
Uyruğunuz nedir? "What's your nationality?"
But there is also one more word, milliyet. Actually, anyone can ask you like, milliyet nedir?
I think it’s not widely used compared to uyruk but both are okay.
2. gümrük "customs"
Bir ülkeye giriş yaparken gümrükten geçmek zorundasınız. "When you are going to a country you have to go through customs."
3. vize "visa"
Japonya Türklerden üç aya kadar vize talep etmiyor. "Japan doesn't require visas from Turkish people (visiting) for three months."
4. vergisiz "tax-free"
Tax-free shopping, yeay!
"If you bring your passport to some stores, then, you can do tax-free shopping."
Bazı mağazalara pasaportunuzu götürürseniz vergisiz alışveriş yapabilirsiniz.
5. pasaport "passport"
Pasaportunuzu gösterir misiniz? "Can you show (me) your passport?"
In Turkey, usually passports are dark red but we have different types of passports. For example, we have green passport. So with green passport, you can easily enter into some countries without visa. Yeşil pasaport, we say “green passport.’
The end. Okay, that’s all for today. Thank you guys for watching and I hope to see you guys in the next video. Bye-bye!

