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Turkish Vocabulary Words

There are many ways you can increase your Turkish vocabulary but one of the best ways is to dive in head first into a Turkish podcast learning course. An online podcast can teach you any language step-by-step and by utilizing the additional tools that a podcast can provide you will delve into the language in a deeper way than learning from a book on your own. In addition, by listening to podcast recordings of native people speaking Turkish you will gain the confidence to speak the language without feeling that you are pronouncing the words wrong.

Before you begin learning Turkish vocabulary words you should first have a basic understanding of the alphabet and pronunciation of Turkish letters. Although the Turkish alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet there are a few key differences. Some letters such as Ww and Xx don’t appear in their alphabet at all. In addition, unlike the standard English alphabet, the Turkish one has nine vowels, a few of which look similar but are pronounced differently. Once you have a thorough understanding of the alphabet you can move on to learning vocabulary words and pronunciation.

Building up your knowledge of Turkish vocabulary words can take time, but there are a few ways to speed up the process. First it is helpful to learn vocabulary words in sets. Just like you don’t learn subjects by jumping around to different topics all the time, learning how to speak Turkish should also follow a methodical and practical plan. Separating your words into topics such as numbers, colors, and common household items can help you remember them by keeping them segmented in your mind. Imagine learning the words for fork, battleship, and tiger at the same time. There is no common denominator and it will be much harder to remember each one. Now think about the words fork, spoon, and knife. Because these all belong to the same group—kitchen utensils—it can provide the prompt you need to keep their names committed to memory.

There are many similar tricks that can help you memorize a large number of Turkish words without too much difficulty. Turkishpod101 subscribers are given access to a variety of aids and suggestions to make learning Turkish fun and easy. In addition, an online Turkish dictionary is available to further build your vocabulary list once you’ve learned all the words on your original list. Learning the Turkish language can be a lot of fun, all you need is a plan of action so that your learning can be enjoyable but structured.